53: Gang Li - Courtesy - Being on Time
China, Sichuan
Some Westerners who are dealing with Chinese for the first time get a feeling—they feel that Chinese aren’t very punctual, that they’re often late for meetings. But this is very often probably a misunderstanding. Actually, punctuality and keeping your word have always been considered virtues. We often say, “A gentleman who is untrustworthy will be unsuccessful.” What this means is that if I agree to do something for someone, I must do it. But in the business community, very often whether one is on time or not is a matter of business strategy. For example, if I really want something… Suppose I want to get a job. I’ll arrive at wherever the meeting is very early. You’ll not only see that I’m punctual, but that I arrive early. But, on the other hand, if we’re holding negotiations as equals, even if I really want to sign a contract, I don’t want to let you sense how badly I want it, and I’ll probably arrive a few minutes late. This is something I regard as a kind of business strategy. So Americans probably…. This is…. What I’m talking about is sometimes a kind of cultural difference, a strategic consideration. Of course, generally speaking, with Chinese society gradually opening up to Western societies, more Chinese are recognizing that regardless of these kinds of strategic [considerations], sometimes being on time is more important. So we are gradually seeing more Chinese arriving on time, not early or late.啊有些初次和中国人打交道的西方人常常会有一种感觉:觉得中国人不太守时,在约会的时候常常会迟到。但是很多时候这可能是一种误解。事实上,对中国人来讲,守时重信一直是一种美德。我们常常讲:君子无信不立。也就是说,我答应了别人的事,一定要做到。但是在商业社会中,很多时候是否守时事实上是一种商业运用的策略。举个例子讲,如果我很想得到这个,啊比如说,我们在我想得到一份工作,这样的话我会很早来到这个约会的现场,这时候你会看到我不但守时还会提前。但是另外一方面,如果我们俩双方在做一种平等的谈判的时候,即使我很想签下合同,但是我并不想让你感觉到我这种急迫的心情,我很可能会迟到几分钟。这是我有意识的作为一种商业的一种策略。所以美国人可能。这个就是要我说的就是有时候是一种文化的差异,一种战略的一种考虑。当然一般上来讲,由于中国逐渐地向西方社会的开放,所以说中国人更多的认识到不管是说有没有讲不讲这种策略,守时有时候是更重要的,所以说我们会逐渐的看到中国人更多的是准时的到达,而不是提前或者滞后。
啊有些初次和中國人打交道的西方人常常會有一種感覺:覺得中國人不太守時,在約會的時候常常會遲到。但是很多時候這可能是一種誤解。事實上,對中國人來講,守時重信一直是一種美德。我們常常講:君子無信不立。也就是說,我答應了別人的事,一定要做到。但是在商業社會中,很多時候是否守時事實上是一種商業運用的策略。舉個例子講,如果我很想得到這個,啊比如說,我們在我想得到一份工作,這樣的話我會很早來到這個約會的現場,這時候你會看到我不但守時還會提前。但是另外一方面,如果我們倆雙方在做一種平等的談判的時候,即使我很想簽下合同,但是我並不想讓你感覺到我這種急迫的心情,我很可能會遲到幾分鐘。這是我有意識的作為一種商業的一種策略。所以美國人可能。這個就是要我說的就是有時候是一種文化的差異,一種戰略的一種考慮。當然一般上來講,由於中國逐漸地向西方社會的開放,所以說中國人更多的認識到不管是說有沒有講不講這種策略,守時有時候是更重要的,所以說我們會逐漸的看到中國人更多的是準時的到達,而不是提前或者滯後。Ah yǒuxiē chūcì hé zhōngguórén dǎjiāodào de xīfāngrén chángcháng huìyǒu yìzhǒng gǎnjué:juédé zhōngguórén bútài shǒushí,zài yuēhuì de shíhòu chángcháng huì chídào。Dànshì hěnduō shíhòu zhè kěnéng shì yìzhǒng wùjiě。shìshíshàng,duì zhōngguórén láijiǎng,shǒushí zhòngxìn yìzhí shì yìzhǒng měidé。Wǒmén chángcháng jiǎng:jūnzi wúxìn búlì。Yě jiùshìshuō,wǒ dāyìng le biérén de shì,yídìng yào zuòdào。Dànshì zài shāngyè shèhuì zhōng,hěnduō shíhòu shìfǒu shǒushí shìshíshàng shì yìzhǒng shāngyè yùnyòng de cèluè。Jǔgèlìzi jiǎng,rúguǒ wǒ hěnxiǎng dé dào zhègè,ah bǐrúshuō,wǒmén zài wǒxiǎng dédào yífèn gōngzuò,zhèyàng de huà wǒ huì hěnzǎo láidào zhègè yuēhuì de xiànchǎng. Zhèshíhòu nǐ huì kàndào wǒ búdàn shǒushí háihuì tíqián。Dànshì lìngwài yìfāngmiàn,rúguǒ wǒménliǎng shuāngfāng zài zuò yìzhǒng píngděng de tánpàn de shíhòu,jíshǐ wǒ hěnxiǎng qiānxià hétóng,dànshì wǒ bìng bùxiǎng ràngnǐ gǎnjuédào wǒ zhèzhǒng jípò de xīnqíng,wǒ hěn kěnéng huì chídào jǐfēnzhōng。Zhèshì wǒ yǒuyìshì de zuòwéi yìzhǒng shāngyè de yìzhǒng cèluè。Suǒyǐ měiguórén kěnéng。zhègè jiùshì yào wǒ shuō de jiùshì yǒushíhòu shì yìzhǒng wénhuà de chāyì,yìzhǒng zhànluè de yìzhǒng kǎolǜ。Dāngrán yìbān shàng láijiǎng,yóuyú zhōngguó zhújiàn de xiàng xīfāng shèhuì de kāifàng,suǒyǐshuō zhōngguórén gèngduō de rènshìdào bùguǎn shì shuō yǒuméiyǒu jiǎngbùjiǎng zhèzhǒng cèluè,shǒushí yǒushíhòu shì gèngzhòngyào de,suǒyǐ shuō wǒmén huì zhújiàn de kàndào zhōngguórén gèngduō de shì zhǔnshí de dàodá,ěrbúshì tíqián huòzhě zhìhòu。

Content original source: cour14gang.html
View original Cultural Interviews with Chinese-Speaking Professionals from University of Texas at Austin.