OK, if they’re executives, or proprietors, they mostly use their secretaries. So if you want to arrange a time, you’d probably be better off getting in touch with the secretary. If they don’t have a secretary, you can talk to them [directly]. Most Chinese people are very good at scheduling their time. But many do it, do it in their heads; they don’t usually write it down. They’re unlikely to do it like Americans do, pulling out a planner, writing down a bunch of details; they don’t really like this approach. But some are, but some average people, buy little computers, or little PDAs to enter their appointments into. But they aren’t as flashy as the ones Japan-, Japanese people [use], just something simple. Which is to say, that proprietors and executives use their secretaries more heavily. | OK. 如果他是一个经理,还是一个老板,大部分是用他的秘书。所以如果你要安排时间,可能要找他的秘书比较好。如果他没有秘书的话,就跟他讲就可以。大部分的中国人很会安排那个时间。但是很多就是,就是在头脑里面哪,他比较不会写下来啦。他们比较不会跟美国人这样,那个、那个时间表拿出来啊,写得那么复杂,他们比较不喜欢这样啊。然后有的就是有一些的一般的人,也会买那个小电脑哪,还是那个小的PDA放进去呀。但是跟日本、日本人,没有那么、没有那么热闹,就是简单的就可以呀。所以说那个老板、经理都是用秘书比较重要。 |