OK, about foreigners in China or Taiwan…. It's really a shame when your Chinese is too poor for you to feel comfortable speaking it. Chinese usually connect with foreigners who can speak Chinese because it indicates that they have a strong interest in Chinese culture or the Chinese nation. Usually, when foreigners speak Chinese, it gives us Chinese the feeling that we are respected. So, speaking Chinese is a very effective way to bridge the distance between [us]. [You] don’t need to worry about using the wrong word. If you misspeak and everyone, everyone will probably, everyone will laugh under their breath, [but] they aren’t laughing at you, but because what you’ve said is really funny. It’s kind of endearing. They think you’re adorable, not that your [language] skills are awful. It’s just something humorous, which can be effective at bridging the distance between people.
| OK,对于在中国或是在台湾的外国人来说,如果因为你的中文能力不好而不敢讲中文是非常可惜的。中国人通常对于会讲中文的外国人感到非常的亲切。因为这样代表他对中华文化或是对中国这个国家很有兴趣。通常外国人讲中文的时候,我们中国人会得到一种被尊重的感觉。所以,讲中文可以很有效的拉近彼此间的距离。还有不要怕讲错词。因为如果你讲错一个字被大家,大家可能大家会在底下笑,他不代表他在嘲笑你,而是觉得你用了这个词是非常有趣的,而且是一种很可爱的。是觉得你很可爱,而不是在说你这个能力怎么这么差。这样反而是一种幽默的表现,也是可以有效拉近大家的距离。 |