186: Ko-Nung Chen - Professional - Limited Chinese Ability
Taiwan, Taipei
OK, about foreigners in China or Taiwan…. It's really a shame when your Chinese is too poor for you to feel comfortable speaking it. Chinese usually connect with foreigners who can speak Chinese because it indicates that they have a strong interest in Chinese culture or the Chinese nation. Usually, when foreigners speak Chinese, it gives us Chinese the feeling that we are respected. So, speaking Chinese is a very effective way to bridge the distance between [us]. [You] don’t need to worry about using the wrong word. If you misspeak and everyone, everyone will probably, everyone will laugh under their breath, [but] they aren’t laughing at you, but because what you’ve said is really funny. It’s kind of endearing. They think you’re adorable, not that your [language] skills are awful. It’s just something humorous, which can be effective at bridging the distance between people. OK,对于在中国或是在台湾的外国人来说,如果因为你的中文能力不好而不敢讲中文是非常可惜的。中国人通常对于会讲中文的外国人感到非常的亲切。因为这样代表他对中华文化或是对中国这个国家很有兴趣。通常外国人讲中文的时候,我们中国人会得到一种被尊重的感觉。所以,讲中文可以很有效的拉近彼此间的距离。还有不要怕讲错词。因为如果你讲错一个字被大家,大家可能大家会在底下笑,他不代表他在嘲笑你,而是觉得你用了这个词是非常有趣的,而且是一种很可爱的。是觉得你很可爱,而不是在说你这个能力怎么这么差。这样反而是一种幽默的表现,也是可以有效拉近大家的距离。
OK,對於在中國或是在臺灣的外國人來說,如果因為你的中文能力不好而不敢講中文是非常可惜的。中國人通常對於會講中文的外國人感到非常的親切。因為這樣代表他對中華文化或是對中國這個國家很有興趣。通常外國人講中文的時候,我們中國人會得到一種被尊重的感覺。所以,講中文可以很有效的拉近彼此間的距離。還有不要怕講錯詞。因為如果你講錯一個字被大家,大家可能大家會在底下笑,他不代表他在嘲笑你,而是覺得你用了這個詞是非常有趣的,而且是一種很可愛的。是覺得你很可愛,而不是在說你這個能力怎麼這麼差。這樣反而是一種幽默的表現,也是可以有效拉近大家的距離。OK,duìyú zài zhōngguó huòshì zài táiwān de wàiguórén láishuō,rúguǒ yīnwéi nǐde zhōngwén nénglì bùhǎo ěr bùgǎn jiǎng zhōngwén shì fēicháng kěxí de。Zhōngguórén tōngcháng duìyú huìjiǎng zhōngwén de wàiguórén gǎndào fēicháng de qīnqiè。Yīnwéi zhèyàng dàibiǎo tā duì zhōnghuá wénhuà huòshì duì zhōngguó zhègè guójiā hěn yǒu xìngqù。Tōngcháng wàiguórén jiǎng zhōngwén de shíhòu,wǒmén zhōngguórén huì dédào yìzhǒng bèi zūnzhòng de gǎnjué。suǒyǐ,jiǎngzhōngwén kěyǐ hěn yǒuxiào de lājìn bǐcǐjiān de jùlí。Háiyǒu búyào pà jiǎngcuòcí。Yīnwéi rúguǒ nǐ jiǎngcuò yígèzì bèi dàjiā,dàjiā kěnéng dàjiā huì zài dǐxià xiào,tā búdàibiǎo tā zài cháoxiào nǐ,ěrshì juédé nǐ yòngle zhègècí shì fēicháng yǒuqù de,érqiě shì yìzhǒng hěn kěài de。Shì juédé nǐ hěn kěài,ér búshì zài shuō nǐ zhègè nénglì zěnme zhème chā。Zhèyàng fǎnér shì yìzhǒng yōumò de biǎoxiàn,yěshì kěyǐ yǒuxiào lājìn dàjiā de jùlí。

Content original source: prof21kunung.html
View original Cultural Interviews with Chinese-Speaking Professionals from University of Texas at Austin.