Uh, about race problems, in China because [the Han ethnicity] exceeds, exceeds, as far as I know… I don’t know the actual number. Probably, my impression is that at least 95% [of the population] are Han. So China is basically a racially integrated nation. So, basically, there is no race problem. Now, some minorities, uh, they account for only a very small part of the population. They live in special regions—for example, what we call autonomous regions—such as the Ningxia Autonomous Region [and] the Xinjiang Autonomous Region. They, they live in these special regions. Uh, as far as the government, actually, the government actually has [established] very advantageous policies towards these minorities. For example, when they take the high-school entrance exams or the university entrance exams, the policies are advantageous to them; they get points added to their scores. So, uh, I think that in China being a minority is a good thing. Uh, including when you get married and have children, you’re allowed to have two, unlike the Han, who can only have one.
Um, so, as for gender, uh, 40 or 50 years ago few women probably participated in business, uh, or any aspect of government. Their traditional role was to stay at home and take care of the kids, or cook. However, since, since the Chinese Communists, uh, established the Chinese government in 1949, everything has changed, huge, huge changes have occurred. So, I, I think that women’s status in China now, actually I think that basically it’s equivalent to men’s. Uh, that is to say that the ratios of women and men at companies or in the government is more or less the same. That’s the situation in China now. Rural villages probably, uh, have greater disparities between men and women, but in the cities, there are no disparities. I think that’s a fair description of how it is now. | 啊关于种族问题呢,在中国呢因为超过超过那据我所知,我不知道具体的这个number。大概大概印象至少有超过95% 都是汉族。所以说中国基本上是一个统一民族的国家。所以说基本上不存在什么种族问题。那么一些少数民族啊他们只占很少一部分的人口。他们居住在特别的区域。譬如说我们叫做自治区。像宁夏自治区,新疆自治区。他们他们住在这个特别的区域里面。啊关于政府其实那政府其实对于这些少数民族会有很优惠的政策。譬如说他们参加这种啊高考,大学入学考试的话,可以有优惠政策,可以加分数。所以说啊我觉得在中国作为少数民族其实是一个很好的事情。啊包括你结婚啊,你生小孩,你可以生两个。不像呢汉族只可以生一个。
啊所以说,关于那个性别呢,啊,四,五十年前可能妇女呢在在这种啊啊生意啊或者是这种政府啊各方面参与的都非常少。她们的传统的角色就是呆在家里带孩子或者做饭。但是呢自从自从中国共产党啊四九年成立中国政府啊以来,所有事情都变发生了非常非常大的变化。那么现在我我感觉妇女在中国的地位其实感觉基本上和和男男人是平等的。啊就说她们在在公司政府她们参加工作的这个比例跟跟男人是差不多的,在中国目前这个状况。可能在农村啊会有这个区别会比较大。因为在农村很多人因为农民需要做很多体力劳动。所以说男女区别还比较大,但在城市里面,没有任何的区别。现在可以这么讲。 |