Chinese society is very conservative. Speaking candidly, I think Chinese are a little prejudiced. Of course, my definition of prejudice is pretty broad. I think the definition of prejudice is having a different view of any event or situation, or any cultural object. So all these different views create a kind of discrepancy, create a kind of different impression.
Like, the people of Bei- Beijing have always looked down on those from Shanghai. Beijing people [think of themselves] as sitting at the emperor’s feet. They work in government institutions, so they [feel they] best understand China’s future. Shanghainese, on the one hand because the economy and business are so dominant, they can’t help but be more utilitarian. So, on the one hand, the North and the South have this really big difference. Then, if you go down to Guangdong, if you can’t speak Cantonese, or go to Shanghai and can’t speak Shanghainese, you’ll feel something a little different [in how people treat you], you won’t enjoy the same advantages.
Chinese people, on the one hand, it’s a purely agrarian society, so the values system gives greater weight to men. Of course, because of the recent gradual Western influence, the status of women has gradually risen. But it’s undeniable [that] suppose they want to have a child, they’ll still think, um, “I hope I can have another boy.” That’s because having a boy is thought to be how you continue the family line. It doesn’t matter whether this kind of idea is right or wrong, they generally still have a little tiny difference [in their view] on gender. But I have to admit that over the last couple of decades, they’ve, this kind of attitude has become much less prevalent.
As for skin color, Chinese people in general, they have different views of [different] skin colors. So, from this perspective, if you’re doing business, you ought to know something about Chinese people’s ideas and responses to these things. | 中国人是一个非常保守的社会。坦白来讲呢,我认为中国人是有点这个歧视的。 当然我对歧视的定义啦是比较广。我认为歧视的定义啦是对说任何事情,任何文物啦,有点不同的见解。所以才对于各种不同见解所产生一种差异,所产生一种不同的影响。
象北北京人一向呢就看不起上海人。因为北京人呢认为在天子脚下,他在政府的机关,所以他们是最懂得这个有关中国的前途。上海人呢,一方面呢他们是因为经济商业很强盛,他们呢就未免比较是功利主义。 所以一方面呢,在这个北方跟南方啦是有相当不同的这个。下面到广东去,你只要不会讲广东话,到上海去你不会讲上海话的话,你是会有些不同的这个感觉,不同的利益。
对于肤色啦,中国人一般来讲啦,对于肤色啦,他们也有一些不同的看法。所以啦,就这个角度来讲,假如你进行商业活动的时候啦,你应该知道中国人对这些事情的一些观感跟概念。 |