125: Xiao Liu Bai - Professional - Race, Color, Gender
China, Sichuan, Chengdu
China’s 56 ethnicities are all Asiatic, so actually, comparatively speaking, there aren’t any major differences in race or skin color. However, because there are so many minorities in China, if in the course of doing business you encounter, uh, someone who’s a member of a minority, then you should pay comparatively more attention to whether his minority has any taboos. For example, Muslims—Muslims cannot eat pork. If you take them out to eat, buy them a meal, you must be careful that no dishes with pork are served. To not do so would be to seriously insult them. Moreover, some minorities have their own more characteristic holidays. If it’s a holiday, you’d be better off, uh, not using it for a business meeting. Or, you can, on some of these minority holidays, um, get in touch with them and participate in their festivities. This brings you closer to them, uh, makes you friends and develops your, um, business contacts. I think it’s very helpful. Uh, for women, these days China advocates gender equality. The slogan is “half the sky covers women.” But I think, um, all women hope that in their dealings with men, whether for business or on a personal level, men will demonstrate a certain standard of gentility. Um, for example, there are a few simple things, um, like opening doors, uh, like some kinds of table manners. I think that for women these things are…. For men, they’re probably just little things. But women really notice them. And I think that by offering women a kind of equal treatment, and having an attitude of mutual trust… I think that everybody, uh, everybody should be honest with each other, [then they] will probably become pretty good friends. Um, in today’s China, women are becoming more and more capable. I believe they can provide good support to your business. 啊,在中国因为56个民族都是黄种人,其实相对来说并没有很大的人种或者说是肤色的区别。不过在中国因为有很多的少数民族,所以如果你在生意交往中遇到,啊,有少数民族的朋友的话,那应该相对来说要注意一下他民族方面有没有一些相对的禁忌。比如说像回族,回族他是不能吃猪肉的。如果你请他吃、请他吃饭的话,一定得注意一下餐桌上有没有猪肉这道菜,否则,这是对他一种很严重的冒犯。而且有一些少数民族他有一些比较特殊的节日。如果是在节日这天的话,你最好可以,啊,不用跟他做一些商业的邀约。或者你可以,嗯,在一些少数民族的节日之间,与他进行一些沟通联系,参加一些他们的活动。这样对你增进感情,啊,交往朋友以及进一步开拓你的,嗯,生意圈,我觉得会很有帮助。啊,对女性来说,因为中国现在提倡男女平等,号称女性顶上半边天。不过我觉得,嗯,所有的女性都希望男士在交往中,不管是生意交往还是下来的朋友交往之中表现出一定的风度。嗯,比如说很简单的就是一些,嗯,像开门啦,啊,像餐桌上的一些礼仪呀。我觉得这些对女性而言,对男士而言可能是很小的事情,但是女性会把它记在心里面。而且我觉得对待女性就用一种平等,然后互谅的态度,我觉得大家都是,啊,大家应该坦诚相对,应该都会成为比较好的朋友。嗯,现在中国女性越来越能干,相信她们也能够成为你在生意上的好帮手。
啊,在中國因為56個民族都是黃種人,其實相對來說並沒有很大的人種或者說是膚色的區別。不過在中國因為有很多的少數民族,所以如果你在生意交往中遇到,啊,有少數民族的朋友的話,那應該相對來說要注意一下他民族方面有沒有一些相對的禁忌。比如說像回族,回族他是不能吃豬肉的。如果你請他吃、請他吃飯的話,一定得注意一下餐桌上有沒有豬肉這道菜,否則,這是對他一種很嚴重的冒犯。而且有一些少數民族他有一些比較特殊的節日。如果是在節日這天的話,你最好可以,啊,不用跟他做一些商業的邀約。或者你可以,嗯,在一些少數民族的節日之間,與他進行一些溝通聯繫,參加一些他們的活動。這樣對你增進感情,啊,交往朋友以及進一步開拓你的,嗯,生意圈,我覺得會很有幫助。啊,對女性來說,因為中國現在提倡男女平等,號稱女性頂上半邊天。不過我覺得,嗯,所有的女性都希望男士在交往中,不管是生意交往還是下來的朋友交往之中表現出一定的風度。嗯,比如說很簡單的就是一些,嗯,像開門啦,啊,像餐桌上的一些禮儀呀。我覺得這些對女性而言,對男士而言可能是很小的事情,但是女性會把它記在心裏面。而且我覺得對待女性就用一種平等,然後互諒的態度,我覺得大家都是,啊,大家應該坦誠相對,應該都會成為比較好的朋友。嗯,現在中國女性越來越能幹,相信她們也能夠成為你在生意上的好幫手。Ah,zài zhōngguó yīnwéi wǔshíliùgè mínzú dōushì huángzhǒngrén,qíshí xiāngduì láishuō bìng méiyǒu hěndà de rénzhǒng huòzhěshuō shì fūsè de qūbié。Búguò zài zhōngguó yīnwéi yǒu hěnduō de shǎoshù mínzú,suǒyǐ rúguǒ nǐ zài shēngyì jiāowǎng zhōng yùdào,ah,yǒu shǎoshù mínzú de péngyǒu de huà,nà yìnggāi xiāngduì láishuō yào zhùyì yíxià tā mínzú fāngmiàn yǒuméiyǒu yīxiē xiāngduì de jìnjì。Bǐrúshuō xiàng huízú,huízú tā shì bùnéng chī zhūròu de。Rúguǒ nǐ qǐng tā chī、qǐngtā chīfàn de huà,yídìng děi zhùyì yíxià cānzhuō shàng yǒuméiyǒu zhūròu zhèdàocài,fǒuzé,zhèshì duì tā yīzhǒng hěn yánzhòng de màofàn。érqiě yǒu yīxiē shǎoshù mínzú tā yǒu yīxiē bǐjiào tèshū de jiérì。Rúguǒ shì zài jiérì zhètiān de huà,nǐ zuìhǎo kěyǐ,ah,búyòng gēn tā zuò yīxiē shāngyè de yāoyuē。Huòzhě nǐ kěyǐ,ēn,zài yīxiē shǎoshù mínzú de jiérì zhījiān,yǔ tā jìnxíng yīxiē gōutōng liánjì,cānjiā yīxiē tāmén de huódòng。Zhèyàng duì nǐ zēngjìn gǎnqíng,ah,jiāowǎng péngyǒu yǐjí jìnyībù kāituò nǐ de,ēn,shēngyìquān,wǒ juédé huì hěnyǒu bāngzhù。Ah,duì nǚxìng láishuō,yīnwéi zhōngguó xiànzài tíchàng nánnǚ píngděng,hàochēng nǚxìng dǐngshàngbànbiāntiān。Búguò wǒ juédé,ēn,suǒyǒu de nǚxìng dōu xīwàng nánshì zài jiāowǎng zhōng,bùguǎn shì shēngyì jiāowǎng háishì xiàlái de péngyǒu jiāowǎng zhīzhōng biǎoxiàn chū yídìng de fēngdù。ēn,bǐrúshuō hěnjiǎndān de jiùshì yīxiē,ēn,xiàng kāimén la,ah,xiàng cānzhuō shàngde yīxiē lǐyí yā。Wǒ juédé zhèxiē duì nǚxìng éryán,duì nánshì éryán kěnéng shì hěnxiǎo de shìqíng,dànshì nǚxìng huì bǎ tā jìzài xīnlǐmiàn。érqiě wǒ juéde duìdài nǚxìng jiùyòng yīzhǒng píngděng,ránhòu hùliàng de tàidù,wǒ juédé dàjiā dōushì,ah,dàjiā yìnggāi tǎnchéng xiāngduì,yìnggāi dōuhuì chéngwéi bǐjiào hǎode péngyǒu。ēn,xiànzài zhōngguó nǚxìng yuèláiyuè nénggàn,xiāngxìn tāmén yě nénggòu chéngwéi nǐ zài shēngyì shàngde hǎobāngshǒu。

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View original Cultural Interviews with Chinese-Speaking Professionals from University of Texas at Austin.