My view on win-win situations is, uh, if both sides derive the same benefit, it’s a win-win situation. So, my personal view is that the only way I can make money is if I help my clients make money. In this way, if my clients make money, there’s money for me to earn too. In this situation, we have the same objective. Now there’s some, another aspect of a win-win situation is the idea of helping each other out. That is, I have, uh, some kind of, uh, forte, and my opposite number has some kind of forte. By complementing each other, we can earn a greater return. Uh, another important aspect of win-win is taking the whole, uh, this base, the basic, this, jointly opening and expanding a market. When you do this, each person’s, uh, uh, share might be different in size, but in terms of the whole, uh, it’s good for everybody. Uh, yeah, this so-called, uh, win-win situation is when both sides win. Uh, another possibility is that both want, want to have something they have confidence in. That is, uh, your opposite number doesn’t say, uh, let me nominally win, but take all of my share in the end. It’s very important [that both sides genuinely win.] | 双赢这个东西,我的看法是说,啊,如果说两边的利益是一样的话,那就为双赢。所以,我个人的看法是说,我能够赚钱的唯一办法是帮我的顾客赚钱。这样子我的顾客赚钱的话,我就有钱赚,这样子的话我们的目标就会一致。那有些,另外一个地方双赢就是一个互补的概念,就是说我有,啊,某方面的,啊,特长,对方有某方面的特长,那我们两边互补的时候可以得到更大的利益。啊,双赢另外一个很重要的一个观念是说把整个的,啊,这个基、基层这个,这个,共同的市场打开、扩大。这样子的话,虽然每个人得到的,啊,啊,分配的部分可能大小会不一样。但是就是说整个来讲,啊,这个会对大家都会有好处。啊,呀,这就是所谓,啊,双赢,就两边都要赢。啊,另外一个可能就是说彼此要、要有一个信任的部分,就是说是,啊,对方不是说,啊,表面上让我说可以赢,但是到最后的时候,把我所有的东西全部吃掉,这也是很重要的。 |