77: Jiahai Zhang - Negotiation - Win-win Situations
China, Heilongjiang
Well, Americans, during negotiations, uh, they talk about winning, a win-win situation for both parties. They are rather farsighted about it, uh, not looking at the immediate/temporary benefits, uh. They just…when winning, they of course think of their own victory, and they also think of how they can bring about a victory for those with whom they are seeking to do business. In this way, you (the other party) feel you’ve won and only then are you willing to continue working with them afterwards, in the long-term. If, however, only he wins and then you lose, no one likes that. You make a deal and then find out you’ve lost. You’re not going to do business with them again. Therefore, he looks at things long-term, and sometimes he even helps you (the other party) find a way to win…much like a partner…like two people, two families cooperating together to do this business. Ah, we have a lot of experience with this aspect…um….that is to say, sometimes we would rather lose a little bit and seek to let the other side win. This way we maintain the long-term cooperation. That’s what long-term is. Thank you.啊,美国人呢,在谈判的时候呢,啊,会讲到这个,嗯,嬴,双方嬴。他们看得比较长远,嗯,不是说看暂时的利益。嗯,他们就是,嗯,嬴的时候呢,都会想到自己嬴,也想办法叫对方跟你做生意的人也去嬴。这样呢,你嬴了,然后,你才愿意继续跟他做,做得长远。如果呢,他只嬴,然后,你输呢,那谁也不傻,做一阶段以后呢,就发现自己输了,就不会再跟他做了。所以呢,他看得长远,有时他会帮你去,怎么去嬴。就是像,有点像 partner,就是,嗯,两个人,两家合作一起去做这个生意。啊,我们有很多经历,在这个方面,嗯,就是说,嗯,有时候,我们任可输一点点儿,也要让对方嬴。这样呢,我们还有这个长期合作。就是长远啦。谢谢。
啊,美國人呢,在談判的時候呢,啊,會講到這個,嗯,嬴,雙方嬴。他們看得比較長遠,嗯,不是說看暫時的利益。嗯,他們就是,嗯,嬴的時候呢,都會想到自己嬴,也想辦法叫對方跟你做生意的人也去嬴。這樣呢,你嬴了,然後,你才願意繼續跟他做,做得長遠。如果呢,他只嬴,然後,你輸呢,那誰也不傻,做一階段以後呢,就發現自己輸了,就不會再跟他做了。所以呢,他看得長遠,有時他會幫你去,怎麽去嬴。就是像,有點像 partner,就是,嗯,兩個人,兩家合作一起去做這個生意。啊,我們有很多經歷,在這個方面,嗯,就是說,嗯,有時候,我們任可輸一點點兒,也要讓對方嬴。這樣呢,我們還有這個長期合作。就是長遠啦。謝謝。A, Měiguórén ne, zài tánpàn de shíhou ne, a, huì jiǎng dào zhège, n, yíng, shuāngfāng yíng. Tāmen kàn de bǐjiào chángyuǎn, n, bú shì shuō kàn zànshí de lìyì. N, tāmen jiùshi, n, yíng de shíhou ne, doūhuì xiǎng dào zìjǐ yíng, yě xiǎng bànfǎ jiào duìfāng gēn nǐ zuò shēngyì de rén yě qù yíng. Zhèyàng ne, nǐ yíng le, ránhòu, nǐ cái yuànyì jìxù gēn tā zuò, zuò de chángyuǎn. Rúguǒ ne, tā zhǐ yíng, ránhòu, nǐ shū ne, nà shéi yě bù shǎ, zuò yì jiēduàn yǐhòu ne, jiù fāxiàn zìjǐ shū le, jiù bú huì zài gēn tā zuò le. Suǒyǐ ne, tā kàn de chángyuǎn, yǒushí tā huì bāng nǐ qù, zěnme qù yíng. Jiùshi xiàng, yǒudiǎn xiàng partner, jiùshì, n, liǎnggerén, liǎng jiā hézuò yìqǐ qù zuò zhège shēngyì. A, wǒmen yǒu hěn duō jīnglì, zài zhège fāngmiàn, n, jiùshì shuō, n, yǒushíhòu, wǒmen rènkě shū yìdiǎndiǎner, yěyào ràng duìfāng yíng. Zhèyàng ne, wǒmen hái yǒu zhège chángqī hézuò. Jiùshì chángyuǎn la. Xièxie.

Content original source: neg02jiahai.html
View original Cultural Interviews with Chinese-Speaking Professionals from University of Texas at Austin.