217: Ya Liu - Stereotypes - Specificity
China, Shanghai
Americans are very direct in their speech, everyone knows that. It’s just like what you see in American soap operas such as in “Friends”. They express their feelings very directly. However, at the same time I admire this kind of directness, because they do not try to conceal any of their thoughts and ideas. For instance, when two people come to some sort of impasse, they will talk about it directly, face to face. Then the problem can be resolved. It’s different from Chinese people or Asian people whom I feel are sometimes not good at expressing their feelings/emotions. It’s possible that a problem between two people (who do not express themselves) could slowly progress, and lead to two friends becoming enemies. It’s like what our “Negotiation” (class) instructor said; when Americans do business with Asians, they often ask “is it all right if I do this?” Then if the answer is no, the Asians feel unable to say ‘no’ directly. They will say, “Ok, it’s possible that I can do this”. But what they really mean is, “No, I cannot do this”. Whereas Americans speak directly and then when the deadline passes, they say ‘why haven’t the Asians done what they were supposed to do?’ They will feel that this is very strange. Actually, this is a clash of two cultures. Chinese or Asians are not so quick to give their opinions in a direct way. They might just say “ok”. And when they do refuse something they will not be as direct in doing so as Americans are.哦,美国人说话比较直接这是、众所周知的。哦,像我们平时在,哦一些美国的肥皂剧,像…《老友》剧呀,等等这些,这些片子里所看到的一样,他们表达他们的情绪非常直接。但是,我、通常、很、欣赏这一种直接,因为他们不会隐藏任何他们内心的想法。如果说两个人之间遇上什么矛盾,他们会直接当、面对面的说出来,然后问题就可以解、得到解决了。不像,有的时候我觉得中国人或者是说亚洲人,他们不、善于表达自己的感情。可能、可能他们的矛盾就会在、哦,慢慢、慢慢的过程当中,越积越深,导致最后两个人可能从朋友变成敌人。嗯就像我们的Negotiation的老师说过,当美国人跟亚洲人做,哦生意的时候,通常,他们问、询问说,我这样做可以吗?然后,亚洲人通常觉得,如果是不可以的话,他们不会直接地说不,我不能做。他们说,好,可能,我可以完成。但是,他们其实的意思是说,哦No,I cannot do this。不过美国人,哦就会直接,哦不管,然后,到了日期之后,他说,怎么?亚洲人没有把该做的做好?他们就觉得很奇怪。其实,这是两种文化的冲突。中、哦中国人,或者是亚洲人不会那么地直接说出他们的意见。可能、哦…他们会说,好。但是他们,当他们拒绝的时候,他们不会那么地直接,像美国人一样。
哦,美國人說話比較直接這是、衆所周知的。哦,像我們平時在,哦一些美國的肥皂劇,像…《老友》劇呀,等等這些,這些片子裏所看到的一樣,他們表達他們的情緒非常直接。但是,我、通常、很、欣賞這一種直接,因爲他們不會隱藏任何他們內心的想法。如果說兩個人之間遇上什麽矛盾,他們會直接當、面對面的說出來,然後問題就可以解、得到解决了。不像,有的時候我覺得中國人或者是說亞洲人,他們不、善於表達自己的感情。可能、可能他們的矛盾就會在、哦,慢慢、慢慢的過程當中,越積越深,導致最後兩個人可能從朋友變成敵人。嗯就像我們的Negotiation的老師說過,當美國人跟亞洲人做,哦生意的時候,通常,他們問、詢問說,我這樣做可以嗎?然後,亞洲人通常覺得,如果是不可以的話,他們不會直接地說不,我不能做。他們說,好,可能,我可以完成。但是,他們其實的意思是說,哦No,I cannot do this。不過美國人,哦就會直接,哦不管,然後,到了日期之後,他說,怎麽?亞洲人沒有把該做的做好?他們就覺得很奇怪。其實,這是兩種文化的衝突。中、哦中國人,或者是亞洲人不會那麽地直接說出他們的意見。可能、哦…他們會說,好。但是他們,當他們拒絕的時候,他們不會那麽地直接,像美國人一樣。E, Měiguórén shuōhuà bǐjiào zhíjiē, zhèshi, zhòngsuǒzhōuzhī de. E, xiàng wǒmen píngshí zài, e, yīxiē Měiguó de féizàojù, xiàng …《lǎoyǒu》jù ya, děngdeng zhèxiē, zhèxiē piānzilǐ suǒ kàndao de yíyàng, tāmen biǎodá tāmen de qíngxù fēicháng zhíjiē. Dànshì, wǒ, tōngcháng, hěn, xīnshǎng zhè yìzhong zhíjiē, yīnwèi tāmen búhuì yǐncáng rènhé tāmen nèixīn de xiǎngfa. Rúguǒ shuō liǎnggerén zhījiān yùshang shénme máodùn, tāmen huì zhíjiē dāng, miànduìmiànde shuōchūlai, ránhòu wèntí jiù kěyǐ jiě, dédào jiějué le. Búxiàng, yǒude shíhou wǒ juéde Zhōngguórén huòzhěshi shuō yàzhōurén, tāmen bú, shànyú biǎodá zìjǐ de gǎnqíng, Kěnéng, kěnéng tāmen de máodùn jiùhuì zài, e, mànmān, mànmān de guòchéng dāngzhōng, yuè jī yuè shēn, dǎozhì zuìhòu liǎnggerén kěnéng cóng péngyou biànchéng dírén. N, jiùxiàng wǒmen de negotiation de lǎoshī shuōguo, dāng Měiguórén gēn Yàzhōurén zuò, e, shēngyì deshíhou, tōngcháng, tāmen wèn, xúnwèn shuō, wǒ zhèyang zuò kěyǐ ma? Ránhòu, Yàzhōurén tōngcháng juéde, rúguǒshi bù kěyǐ dehuà, tāmen búhuì zhíjiēde shuō bù, wǒ bùnéng zuò. Tāmen shuō, hǎo, kěnéng, wǒ kěyǐ wánchéng. Dànshì, tāmen qíshí de yìsi shìshuō, e, no, I cannot do this. Búguo Měiguórén, e, jiùhuì zhíjiē, e, bùguǎn, ránhòu, dàole rìqī zhīhòu, tā shuō, zěnme? Yàzhōurén méiyǒu bǎ gāizuòde zuòhǎo? Tāmen jiù juéde hěn qíguài. Qíshí, zhèshi liǎngzhǒng wénhuà de chōngtū. Zhōng, e Zhōngguórén, huòzhěshi Yàzhōurén búhuì nàme de zhíjiē shuōchū tāmen de yìjian. Kěnéng, e, tāmen huìshuō, hǎo. Dànshì tāmen, dāng tāmen jùjué deshíhou, tāmen búhuì nàme de zhíjiē, xiàng Měiguórén, yíyàng.

Content original source: ste07liuya.html
View original Cultural Interviews with Chinese-Speaking Professionals from University of Texas at Austin.