Uh, our view is that, uh, [Americans] are in a hurry, uh, the Americans’ approach is to hurry to get it signed; after it’s signed, they can, they can relax, take it easy for a bit. Then, uh, go out and have a drink or whatever. Chinese people appear, are just the opposite. We first, uh, first relax, then, after we understand each other a little better, then at the end, in the last few minutes, suddenly get serious. Then, we make a decision about it in the last few minutes. Uh, the American approach seems more inverted. That, uh, [approach of] spending a lot, spending a lot of time at the beginning, that is, getting things done first, then, at the end, taking the remaining time to just do whatever. This is, this is a point of difference. | 啊,我们的看法是说,啊,是赶快,啊,美国人的做法是说赶快把这个签、签了以后然后大家可以,就是说是可以relax、轻松一下,然后那个,啊,就是说出去喝酒了什么东西。那好像中国人是、正好是反过来。我们先那个,啊,先轻松一下,然后彼此了解了以后,然后到最后、最后几分钟的时候忽然间就严肃起来,然后在最后几分钟把它那个做出决定。啊,美国人的做法好像就比较相反,那个啊,花很、花很多时间前面就是把事情先做完,然后后面的话,就是剩下的时间就、就随便做些其他的事情。这是、这是不同点。 |