Uh, generally speaking, because Amer-, uh, America is itself a large country, uh, it gives people the feeling that, um, if you are someone who has studied in America, you’ll feel like Americans don’t really have much understanding of the foreign world. Uh, so this stereotype is, it seems like it really exists. That is to say, besides America [’s own culture], most of the people don’t seem to have much understanding of other cultures; with the exception of European cultures, [they] don’t understand them very well. Now, uh, this is probably, of course I don’t mean to say, uh, I’m just saying that probably because they don’t have a lot to do with other countries, so they tend to…. Take Taiwan. Taiwan gets a lot of news from other countries, so typically, when other, these, uh, things happen in other countries, uh, the public has a greater chance of being informed about it. So, generally speaking, although Americans are open-minded, they usually don’t have much understanding of other cultures. | 啊,一般来说因为美、啊,美国本身的话是一个很大的一个国家,所以,哎,给人家感觉是,嗯,只要你是在美国读书的人会觉得好像美国人对外国的世界是比较不了解的。啊,所以说这个stereotype是,好像是应该是有存在的。就是说,除了美国之外,一般的大众好像是对,啊,其他的文化,啊,了解没有,除、除了欧洲文化之外,啊,了解没有非常的透彻。啊,那,啊,这可能与,当然不是说,啊,这只是说因为可能不是有关他的国家,所以比较倾向,啊,台湾来说,因为台湾的话经常有国际的信息,所以一般来讲,啊,是对其他的,啊,这个,啊,国家所发生的一些事项的话,啊,民众的话是被告知的机会、啊,机率是比较高的。所以普遍来说是,美国人虽然是很开放,但是就是对其他的文化的了解可能没有那么的大。 |