Uh, OK. Uh, about this question of whether Chinese people typically invite people to their homes, I think it depends on the people. Uh, for example, young people today probably are more likely to enjoy going to their classmates or friends homes. But, uh, uh, but our parents’ generation probably does less of this, especially because their work keeps them busy. And then, uh, uh, there are things, especially business stuff, that people probably prefer to, uh, handle in public places. For example, in an office, or at, uh, a business, or in, uh, a coffee shop, or they find, um, somewhere out, a, um, public place to talk. Few people invite someone to their home [for business meetings].
Um, if someone invites you to their home to talk about a business deal or something of that sort, what you probably need to pay attention to and know about in advance is: They, um, need… do you want to bring a gift for them? And, um, their home… Who lives in the home? Uh, uh, the parents, their [adult] children and their children’s children? What do they like? Do they have a favorite something? You can get something ready for them in advance. Uh, and then there are some basic, basic, basic questions. For example, do they want you to put on slippers when you enter their home? Uh, do they want to, show, uh, whether they want, whether they wa-, want to show you around their home. Um, these are all things you need to know. And, uh, I think that’s pretty much the answer to this question. | 啊,好的。啊中国人是不是经常请人到家里去这个问题,我觉得是啊因人而异的。啊比如说现在年轻人的话,可能就是比较喜欢在同学或者朋友之间到别人的家里去玩。但是,啊啊像我们的父母这一辈可能就比较少,特别是工作比较忙。然后,啊啊特别是一些商业上的事情可能比、更加喜欢在啊公共场合解决。比如说在办公室,或者在啊公司,或者是在啊咖啡店,或者在外面找一个嗯交谈的交谈的公共场所,比较少会请人家到家里来。
嗯如果就是有人请你到家里去谈公事的话,可能比较注意要事先了解的事情是:他们嗯要、是不是要需要准备一份礼物带给他们。然后,嗯他们家,他们家人有哪些人,啊啊父母啊,还有当中间的那一辈,还有小孩子;他们喜欢哪些东西,是不是啊有有什么偏好, 然后可以事先准备一份礼物送给他们。啊然后还有就是一些基本的常,基本的常,基本的问题。比如说,啊他们需不需要你进屋子的时候换鞋。啊,喜不喜欢,啊带你,啊喜不喜欢,是不是喜、喜欢带你在整个屋子里面啊参观一下。嗯这些都是要搞清楚的问题。然后,啊我想这些大概就是这个问题的答案了吧。 |