Sometimes I hear people say “keep private matters private”. Public matters (business) and private matters ought to be completely separated. Chinese people though, in my opinion, do not have this way of thinking. It is because many business matters are completed in personal situations. For example, going out for dinner or going out for lunch, and then talking about business matters. A lot of agreements of this kind are decided upon in this kind of situation. Perhaps it isn’t (always) in this kind of situation that agreements are signed, but still the things that are talked about, public and private will be mixed together. Actually, Americans also do things this way. Often they discuss a lot of business matters and complete a lot of deals while playing golf. Now, should things be separated or not separated? That’s hard to say. Nevertheless, I feel that as far as Asian people are concerned, (public and private) are not easily separated because knowing a person starts with knowing some personal things…what kind of a person they are. Only then can they take the next step and do business…business negotiations. Thank you. | 有时候,我会听人说,分私分明,公事跟私人的事要完全分开。中国人,我觉得,不太有这样的想法。因为很多的公事,都是在私人的情况来完成。比如说呢,出去吃个晚饭,出去吃个中饭,然后谈公事。很多这种…哦、合约都是在这种情况之来下决定的。可能不在这个情况来签这个合约。不过,谈的事情,谈的私人的嗯、关系都会再混在一起。其实美国呢,美国人也会这样子、常常,他们说很多的生意,都是在高尔夫球场上完成的。那应该分还是不应该分,这个事很难说。不过我觉得,东方人来说呢,比较不会分。因为,他们先会认识对方的人是怎么样,哦,私人性、了解一下,他们的个人是怎么样。然后他们才会进行下一步做生意的事情,跟生意的谈判。谢谢。 |
有時候,我會聽人說,分私分明,公事跟私人的事要完全分開。中國人,我覺得,不太有這樣的想法。因爲很多的公事,都是在私人的情况來完成。比如說呢,出去吃個晚飯,出去吃個中飯,然後談公事。很多這種…哦、合約都是在這種情况之來下决定的。可能不在這個情况來簽這個合約。不過,談的事情,談的私人的嗯、關係都會再混在一起。其實美國呢,美國人也會這樣子、常常,他們說很多的生意,都是在高爾夫球場上完成的。那應該分還是不應該分,這個事很難說。不過我覺得,東方人來說呢,比較不會分。因爲,他們先會認識對方的人是怎麼樣,哦,私人性、瞭解一下,他們的個人是怎麽樣。然後他們才會進行下一步做生意的事情,跟生意的談判。謝謝。 | Yǒushíhòu, wǒ huì tīng rén shuō, fēnsīfēnmíng, gōngshì gēn sīrén de shì yào wánquán fēnkāi. Zhōngguórén, wǒ juéde, bútài yǒu zhèyang de xiǎngfa. Yīnwèi hěn duō de gōngshì, dōu shì zài sīrén de qíngkuàng lái wánchéng. Bǐrúshuō ne, chūqu chīge wǎnfàn, chūqu chīge zhōngfàn, ránhòu tán gōngshi. Hěnduō zhèzhǒng… e, héyuē dōushì zài zhèzhong qíngkuàng zhīxià juédìng de. Kěnéng búzài zhège qíngkuàng lái qiān zhège héyuē. Búguò, tánde shìqing, tánde sīrén de n, guānxì dōuhuì zài hùnzai yìqi. Qíshí Měiguó ne, Měiguórén yěhuì zhèyangzi, chángcháng, tāmen shuō hěnduōde shēngyi, dōushì zài gāo’ěrfū qiúchǎngshang wánchéng de. Nà yīnggāi fēn háishì bù yīnggāi fēn, zhège shì hěn nánshuō. Búguò wǒ juéde, dōngfāngrén láishuō ne, bǐjiào búhuì fēn. Yīnwèi, tāmen xiān huì rènshi duìfāng de rén shì zěnmeyàng, e, sīrén xìng, liǎojiě yíxià, tāmen de gèrén shì zěnmeyàng. Ránhòu tāmen cái huì jìnxíng xiàyíbù zuò shēngyi de shìqing, gēn shēngyì de tánpàn. Xièxie. |