In classical times in China, there was a saying: “neiju bubi… bubi xian… neiju bubi qin, waiju bubi chou.” It means that whether someone is a relative or an enemy, you should recommend them if they have ability. In keeping with that…. But nowadays there are some… there are some organizations and some people who have weird ideas that make them unable to do this. For example, some are involved with corruption, or are involved in bad things, do dirty deals to enable themselves to get ahead improperly. Now I… now China is putting more effort into straightening out these failures to keep the public and the personal separate. For example, some laws are making… anti-graft laws… some laws are making it possible to stop these things. I, we think that keeping public and private [interests] separate is very important. Public is public, and private is private; you shouldn’t mix them. Keeping them separate helps people interact and communicate with each other. Thank you. | 在中国古代的时候,曾经有个说法叫做:“内举不避不避闲,内举不避亲,外举不避仇”。就是说,只要这个人很贤能,不管他是不是自己的亲人,还是还是自己的仇人,都要都要检举他、推荐他。然后随着但是在现在有些有些单位、有些人由于一些古怪心里的作祟,导致不能做到这一点。比如说有些进行贿赂,或者进行一些不好的事情,进行一些肮脏的交易使得他破格提升。而现在我现在中国也在加大力度来整顿这些使公私使公私不分明的事情。比如说一些法律可以使得反贪污法、一些法可以使得这些事情得以避免。我我们觉得公私分明是很重要的,公是公,私是私,不要把他们混在一起。这样对有利于我们人与人的交流和沟通。谢谢。 |