Uh, I think that this is a very, a very interesting topic because people with different values will understand the question differently or answer differently. Now for me personally, “personal interest” is naturally very, very important. It determines how efficient people are at work, and is reflected in how much time they spend on the job and in their abilities. Now, for a company, the most important thing about work is how it generates profits. So, for a company, a company’s interest is the creation of profit, which is also very important. Now, we [tend to] think that from a personal perspective it’s best when these two things come together—that is, when [one’s] personal interests and the company’s interests can be integrated. Now, this requires that you do some preparing in advance. You prepare a lot, you prepare early. Whether at school or while searching for a job, you should do your best to find work that suits you, that’s related to your interests. Of course, if, in your work, these two [your personal interest and the company’s interests] come into conflict, I think that at one level you should place the company’s ahead of your own. But at the same time, you can’t abandon your own interests because probably, at some point in the future, you likewise will be able, you’ll probably be able to make use of your interests. OK. | 啊,我觉得,这是一个很有、很有趣的话题,因为持有不同价值观的人会对这个问题有不同的理解,或者不同的回答。那么对于个人来说,当然personal interest是非常非常重要的。这样能够控制了他自己的工作的效率,或者是放在工作上的这种自己的就是时间啊,或者能力的一种反映。那么对于公司来说呢,工作最主要的是如何去创造利润。所以对公司来说,公司的interest就是创造利润,也是非常重要的。那么我们个人认为,从个人来说,最好是能够把这两者能够统一起来,那么就是让自己的兴趣和公司的兴趣能够结合起来。那么这就需要你早做准备。那么多做准备,早做准备,无论从自己的学业或者说你找工作来说,尽量找适合自己的、跟自己的兴趣有关的一些工作。当然呢,如果你在工作中间,这两者出现了冲突,我觉得还是在某种意义上来说,先以公司为重。但同时也不要放弃自己的这种兴趣,因为可能在以后的什么时间里,你同样可以再、有可能再用到你的兴趣。OK。