If I’m someone who doesn’t drink, but, uh, someone wants to raise a glass with me, generally speaking, um, I’ll say… I…. Now, there are a lot of reasons [you can give] not to drink. One is that you have a health prob-, um say you have a stomach bug. Another is to say that you’ve quit drinking, or that, um, that alcohol affects you badly, so you’ve never been a drinker. But usually, in social settings, um, you just say that you’re sick, and people will accept it. If you’re a man, if you don’t drink, others might think you’re ill-mannered, um, that you look down on them a little, um, [or] they might feel that, that you’re disparaging them, so they’ll feel affronted. This kind of thing won’t make it any easier, um, for the two of you to work together. If you’re a woman, um, it’s also, also not very well received because men like for women to drink with them. But if you come along [with them] and don’t drink, um, you have to be able to stick to that from start to finish. You absolutely must not drink with someone, one of your colleagues, then turn around and tell someone else, uh, that you don’t drink. That is, is really bad form. Um, so, whatever your reason for not drinking, when you’re in a social setting, you have to say that you are sick, that you have a stomach bug. | 嗯如果我是一个不喝酒的人,但是,啊有人给我敬酒的话呢,一般来说我们是,嗯说要。那不喝酒的原因有很多种。一种是因为你身体有问,嗯可以说你是胃病。然后还可以说是你已经戒酒了,或者是说嗯,酒精对你没有什么好处,所以你从来就不喝酒。但是一般在社社交场合,嗯只有你说自己是疾病的时候,这个原因是可以被接受的。如果你是一位男士,如果你不喝酒,对方也许会认为你没涵,嗯,不太看的起他。很他会感觉到是在受,被你鄙视,然后就会很不高兴。这样的话,对于你们双方的嗯合作是没有任何好处的。如果你是女士的话呢,嗯,也是也是很不太受欢迎。因为嗯男士很希望女士可以陪他们多喝酒。但是,如果你从来就不喝酒的话,嗯就一定要也是可以坚持到底的。千万就不要和一个人,和某一位同事喝了以后,然后看到另外一个人又说,啊你,什么不喝酒。这样的话是是很不好的一种行为。嗯,所以说不管你是因为什么原因而不喝酒,你在社交场合一定要说,你是因为疾病,就是因为胃病。 |