In Taiwan, although many companies are publicly traded, in fact at their heart many still operate like family-owned enterprises. Many fathers may have children or relatives working for their company to encourage or promote them. This generally makes the family-business feeling stronger. Uh, typically deals, in Taiwan, are based on feelings. Guanxi [lit: “relationships.” It’s similar to the idea of “having connections.”] is most important. Guanxi, if you don’t have guanxi, you’d better get some.
In general, when you’re hired at a company, or when you’re looking for a job, they’re not just going to see if your skills meet a given standard. They’re going to consider your “background,” your background, your family situation. That’s because later when you are doing business, you are going to be working for this family, for this company. They need to consider just what your background is. Once you go to work for this company, you become a company asset. In addition to your own assets, your family, your background both become important assets to the company when it’s doing deals or whatever. They’ll consider your family background, and your relationships with other people are very important. Which is to say, if you have a, have a good background, have a good father, looking for work in these, in Taiwan, it’s easier to find work. I think that this is also, also the case in other countries. It’s probably, probably not as pronounced as it is in Taiwan; it’s really pronounced in Taiwan. But it’s not only Taiwan. I think that anywhere in the Asia region—the mainland’s more or less the same—[you’ll find] this kind of thing.
Uh, in general, which is to say, they generally consider, which is to say, they look at ability, and that’s also, also, also a necessary characteristic. But it isn’t an absolute. They at least want to hit a minimum standard, and later on your personal relationships will be very important. A good father and a good background are very important. So, in general, Taiwan’s Chinese people say that if you want to be successful in Taiwan, it’s crucial to have a good father and a good background, then you’ll be a successful entrepreneur. And, if you have really good guanxi, it’s easy to get things done. Thanks. | 在台湾的话,很多企业虽然是说公开发行的公司,可是实际上它本质上经营很多是也是家族企业。他爸爸啦会因为鼓励或提拔他的小孩或亲戚,很多可能的话就在公司里面工作。 因此,家族企业倾向一般都比较浓厚一点。啊,一般的来往的话,你是在台湾,它是以情这方面 ,关系排在前面,关系你没有关系也要找关系。
哈,一般来讲的话,所以说一般考虑的话,说说看才干也是也是也是必要的条件那,不过它们不是一个绝对,他要至少达到最低的水准,以后就看看你的人际关系是很重要啦。好爸爸,好的背景就很重要。所以一般来讲,台湾的中国人就说在台湾要成功的话,有一个要件就有一个好爸爸,就好的背景,你就变成一个成功的企业家;或关系就会良好,做事也方便。谢谢! |