117: David Yen - Professional - Professional Topics
China, Xian
In this political and economic environment, if you want to make progress on your business objectives, carry out your business activities of whatever kind, you have to be very careful about political and economic news. For example, if you are on the Taiwan side, Taiwan has two different political parties now. One is the Democratic Progressive Party, the other is the Nationalist Party. So if you want to do business, and you don’t know which religion your counterpart is, or which party he leans towards, then you need to be careful about what you say. The Chinese have a saying: “If your thinking is different, there’s no way you can talk or work together.” So, if you want to do business, you have to be really really careful about political news. Let me give you an example. Mainland China is the same. There’s some news in mainland China that you absolutely cannot mention. That’s because in the mainland, people have always held to the principle of keeping their distance from politics and economics. Politically speaking, it’s Communist. But economically, it’s gradually moving towards a capitalist society, using economics to invigorate its future. So they view politics and economics separately. Of course, if you touch on some kinds of topics that involve politics when you’re trying to engage in commercial activities, like demonstrations, something that is critical of their government’s policies, it will, in your commercial setting or your commercial activities, give rise to very bad feelings and create very bad consequences. So, with regard to this question, I recommend that if you want to talk about these kinds of political-economic issues, [don’t do it] unless you know exactly which political system your counterpart supports, which political group he belongs to. If you aren’t clear about this, you would do best to avoid political-economic, political, economic, and religious topics.在这个政经的环境里,你假如是说进行你的商业目的,进行你的某种商业活动的话,对这种有关的政经新闻呢,你是特别要注意的。举例来说,你假如是说在台湾方面的话。台湾的有两个不同的party现在。一个是民进党,一个是国民党。所以你假如是说要做生意,你假如不知道你的这个对方是信仰哪一个宗教,或者是说是倾向哪一个政党政治的话,那你的讲话啦是要特别的小心。因为中国人有句话就是:“道不同不相为谋”。所以啦你要做生意的话啦,有关政治经济这种politic 的新闻呢你要特别特别的注意。 举一个例子来讲啦,在中国大陆也是一样。中国大陆啦象有些新闻呢根本就是不能够提及的。因为在大陆方面啦,政经是一向本持着分离的原则。政治啦他们是讲这种共产政治,经济啦他们是已经逐渐走向资本主义的社会,然后用经济来振兴国家的这个前途。所以他们把政经分离。当然你要在这个进行商业活动的时候,你假如去去涉及到一些有关政治的话题,象是示威呀,象是对他们政府政策有所批评的话呢,这对你的这个商业的环境,或者是商业活动的进行呢,会有非常不好的这种这种感觉,而且会造成一种非常不好的后果。所以关于这一个问题啦,我的建议是啦你假如要讲这种政经的问题,除非你是确切了解你的对方他是属于哪一个政治系统,他是属于哪一个政治关系。那你假如是不清楚的啦,有些政经,政治,经济,宗教的话题啦最好请予避免。
在這個政經的環境裏,你假如是說進行你的商業目的,進行你的某種商業活動的話,對這種有關的政經新聞呢,你是特別要注意的。舉例來說,你假如是說在臺灣方面的話。臺灣的有兩個不同的party現在。一個是民進黨,一個是國民黨。所以你假如是說要做生意,你假如不知道你的這個對方是信仰哪一個宗教,或者是說是傾向哪一個政黨政治的話,那你的講話啦是要特別的小心。因為中國人有句話就是:“道不同不相為謀”。所以啦你要做生意的話啦,有關政治經濟這種politic 的新聞呢你要特別特別的注意。 舉一個例子來講啦,在中國大陸也是一樣。中國大陸啦象有些新聞呢根本就是不能夠提及的。因為在大陸方面啦,政經是一向本持著分離的原則。政治啦他們是講這種共產政治,經濟啦他們是已經逐漸走向資本主義的社會,然後用經濟來振興國家的這個前途。所以他們把政經分離。當然你要在這個進行商業活動的時候,你假如去去涉及到一些有關政治的話題,像是示威呀,像是對他們政府政策有所批評的話呢,這對你的這個商業的環境,或者是商業活動的進行呢,會有非常不好的這種這種感覺,而且會造成一種非常不好的後果。所以關於這一個問題啦,我的建議是啦你假如要講這種政經的問題,除非你是確切瞭解你的對方他是屬於哪一個政治系統,他是屬於哪一個政治關係。那你假如是不清楚的啦,有些政經,政治,經濟,宗教的話題啦最好請予避免。Zài zhègè zhèngjīng de huánjìng lǐ,nǐ jiǎrúshìshuō jìnxíng nǐde shāngyè mùdì,jìnxíng nǐde mǒuzhǒng shāngyè huódòng de huà,duì zhèzhǒng yǒuguān de zhèngjīng xīnwén ne,nǐ shì tèbié yào zhùyì de。Jǔlì láishuō,nǐ jiǎrúshìshuō zài táiwān fāngmiàn de huà。táiwān de yǒu liǎnggè bùtóng de party xiànzài。Yīgè shì mínjìndǎng,yīgè shì guómíndǎng。Suǒyǐ nǐ jiǎrúshìshuō yào zuòshēngyì,nǐ jiǎrú bùzhīdào nǐde zhègè duìfāng shì xìnyǎng nǎyīgè zōngjiào,huòzhěshìshuō shì qīngxiàng nǎyīgè zhèngdǎng zhèngzhì de huà,nà nǐde jiǎnghuà la shì yào tèbié de xiǎoxīn。Yīnwéi zhōngguórén yǒujùhuà jiùshì:“dàobùtóng bùxiāngwéimóu”。Suǒyǐ la nǐ yào zuòshēngyì de huà la,yǒuguān zhèngzhì jīngjì zhèzhǒng politic de xīnwén ne nǐyào tèbié tèbié de zhùyì。 Jǔ yīgè lìzi láijiǎng la,zài zhōngguó dàlù yěshì yíyàng。Zhōngguó dàlù la xiàng yǒuxiē xīnwén ne gēnběn jiùshì bùnénggòu tíjí de。Yīnwéi zài dàlù fāngmiàn la,zhèngjīng shì yīxiàng běnchízhe fēnlí de yuánzé。Zhèngzhì la tāmen shì jiǎng zhèzhǒng gòngchǎn zhèngzhì,jīngjì la tāmen shì yǐjīng zhújiàn zǒuxiàng zīběnzhǔyì de shèhuì,ránhòu yòng jīngjì lái zhènxīng guójiā de zhègè qiántú。Suǒyǐ tāmen bǎ zhèngjīng fēnlí。Dāngrán nǐyào zài zhègè jìnxíng shāngyè huódòng de shíhòu,nǐ jiǎrú qùqù shèjídào yīxiē yǒuguān zhèngzhì de huàtí,xiàngshì shìwēi yā,xiàngshì duì tāmen zhèngfǔ zhèngcè yǒusuǒ pīpíng de huà ne,zhè duì nǐde zhègè shāngyè de huánjìng,huòzhě shì shāngyè huódòng de jìnxíng ne,huì yǒu fēicháng bùhǎo de zhèzhǒng zhèzhǒng gǎnjué,ěrqiě huì zàochéng yīzhǒng fēicháng bùhǎo de hòuguǒ。Suǒyǐ guānyú zhèyīgè wèntí la,wǒ de jiànyì shì la nǐ jiǎrú yào jiǎng zhèzhǒng zhèngjīng de wèntí,chúfēi nǐ shì quèqiè liǎojiě nǐde duìfāng tāshì shǔyú nǎyīgè zhèngzhì xìtǒng,tāshì shǔyú nǎyīgè zhèngzhì guānxì。Nà nǐ jiǎrú shì bùqīngchǔ de la,yǒuxiē zhèngjīng,zhèngzhì,jīngjì,zōngjiào de huàtí la zuìhǎo qǐngyù bìmiǎn。

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View original Cultural Interviews with Chinese-Speaking Professionals from University of Texas at Austin.