113: David Yen - Professional - Government and Business Connections
China, Xian
In Chinese society, Chinese people have great respect for seniority. They usually greatly esteem people who’ve put in a lot of years, or who work for government institutions because these people serve the nation, or serve society or the people. This is especially true in mainland China. If you’re more interested in doing business in mainland China, how you deal with officials is especially important because the mainland is generally a kind of totalitarian society. In this kind of totalitarian society, what you must, you must do is build good relationships with these people, then make every effort to establish good communications. Naturally, only after you’ve done these two things can you do your business. I have many professor-friends and [old] classmates who are doing business in the mainland. They usually really stress this kind of culture, this culture of building good relationships with officials. In general, they say that building relationships isn’t a matter of bribes, but of paying attention to the sensibilities of the Chinese—giving gifts at the Lunar New Year to the government officials in charge. That’s because in their view, these exchanges are what you usually do to make friends. If you have these kinds of friendly exchanges, you can view these officials as friends, and they can view you as a friend. And this is extremely helpful to you later on when you are moving some kind of enterprise forward or some kind of business forward. So, in general, so, in China, in comparison to the West, your contacts with government officials are really extremely important. You must have this kind of skill and you must have this kind of awareness and you must be willing to make this kind of effort if your business is to have smooth sailing.在这个中国人的社会里面啦, 中国人是很尊重这个seniority。他对这个年长的人,对在政府机关里面做事的人啦,他通常都是有一种尊敬感。因为他是替国家服务或者是替社会替人民服务的,尤其是在中国大陆。比较想要跟中国大陆做生意的话啦, 对这个官员的接触啦更是重要的。因为大陆啦, 一般来讲是一种极权性的社会。这种极权性的社会啦你所要所要做的啦就是要跟他们建立良好的关系,然后寻情寻好寻找良好的沟通。当你做好了这两段事情以后啦, 你才能够去做你的生意。 我有很多的这个教授朋友或者是同学呢他们在大陆做生意。他们呢通常呢非常注重这种文化。这种文化啦就是要跟政府的官员啦建立很好的关系。一一般来讲啦,他们说建立关系啦, 倒不是说用一种贿赂的手段,而是注重一种中国的人情。逢年过节的时候啦送一点礼物给这个负责的这个政府官员。因为他们的观念就是说通常啦, 建立一种朋友的这种交情。 假如当你有了这种朋友的交情以后啦,你能够把政府的官员视作你的朋友,他能够把你视作朋友,那对你将来的这个事业的这个进行或者商业的进行呢,这个利处是很大的。所以一般而言来讲,所以这个在中国来讲啦,对于跟西方国家比较,你跟政府官员的接触啦 是非常非常重要的。你必须要有这种技巧,而且你必须要有这种认知,更需要对这方面下功夫,这样你的商业才能进行的顺利。
在這個中國人的社會裏面啦, 中國人是很尊重這個seniority。他對這個年長的人,對在政府機關裏面做事的人啦,他通常都是有一種尊敬感。因為他是替國家服務或者是替社會替人民服務的,尤其是在中國大陸。比較想要跟中國大陸做生意的話啦, 對這個官員的接觸啦更是重要的。因為大陸啦, 一般來講是一種極權性的社會。這種極權性的社會啦你所要所要做的啦就是要跟他們建立良好的關係,然後尋情尋好尋找良好的溝通。當你做好了這兩段事情以後啦, 你才能夠去做你的生意。 我有很多的這個教授朋友或者是同學呢他們在大陸做生意。他們呢通常呢非常注重這種文化。這種文化啦就是要跟政府的官員啦建立很好的關係。一一般來講啦,他們說建立關係啦, 倒不是說用一種賄賂的手段,而是注重一種中國的人情。逢年過節的時候啦送一點禮物給這個負責的這個政府官員。因為他們的觀念就是說通常啦, 建立一種朋友的這種交情。 假如當你有了這種朋友的交情以後啦,你能夠把政府的官員視作你的朋友,他能夠把你視作朋友,那對你將來的這個事業的這個進行或者商業的進行呢,這個利處是很大的。所以一般而言來講,所以這個在中國來講啦,對於跟西方國家比較,你跟政府官員的接觸啦 是非常非常重要的。你必須要有這種技巧,而且你必須要有這種認知,更需要對這方面下功夫,這樣你的商業才能進行的順利。Zài zhègè zhōngguórén de shèhuì lǐmiàn la, zhōngguórén shì hěn zūnzhòng zhègè seniority. Tā duì zhègè niánzhǎng de rén,duì zài zhèngfǔ jīguān lǐmiàn zuòshì de rén la,tā tōngcháng dōushì yǒu yīzhǒng zūnjìnggǎn。Yīnwéi tā shì tì guójiā fúwù huòzhě shì tì shèhuì tì rénmín fúwù de。Yóu qí shì zài zhōngguó dàlù. Bǐjiào xiǎng yào gēn zhōngguó dàlù zuò shēngyì de huà la, duì zhègè guānyuán de jiēchù la gèng shì zhòngyào de. Yīnwéi dàlù la yībān láijiǎng shì yīzhǒng jíquánxìng de shèhuì. Zhèzhǒng jíquánxìng de shèhuì la nǐ suǒyào suǒyào zuò de la jiùshì yào gēn tāmen jiànlì liánghǎo de guānxì,ránhòu xúnqíng xúnhǎo xúnzhǎo liánghǎo de gōutōng. Dāng nǐ zuòhǎo le zhè liǎngduàn shìqíng yǐhòu la, nǐ cáinénggòu qù zuò nǐ de shēngyì. Wǒ yǒu hěnduō de zhègè jiàoshòu péngyǒu huòzhěshì tóngxué ne tāmen zài dàlù zuòshēngyì. Tāmen ne tōngcháng ne fēicháng zhùzhòng zhèzhǒng wénhuà. Zhèzhǒng wénhuà la jiùshì yào gēn zhèngfǔ de guānyuán la jiànlì hěnhǎo de guānxì。Yī yībānláijiǎng la,tāmen suō jiànlì guānxì la, dào búshìshuō yòng yīzhǒng huìlù de shǒuduàn,ěrshì zhùzhòng yīzhǒng zhōngguó de rénqíng. Féngniánguòjié de shíhòu la song yīdiǎn lǐwù gěi zhègè fùzé de zhègè zhèngfǔ guānyuán。Yīnwéi tāmen de guānniàn jiùshì shuō tōngcháng la jiànlì yīzhǒng péngyǒu de zhèzhǒng jiāoqíng. Jiǎrú dāng nǐ yǒu le zhèzhǒng péngyǒu de jiāoqíng yǐhòu la,nǐ nénggòu bǎ zhèngfǔ de guānyuán shìzuò nǐde péngyǒu,tā nénggòu bǎ nǐ shìzuò péngyǒu,nà duì nǐ jiānglái de zhègè shìyè de zhègè jìnxíng huòzhě shāngyè de jìnxíng ne zhègè lìchù shì hěndà de。Suǒyǐ yībānéryán láijiǎng,suǒyǐ zhègè zài zhōngguó láijiǎng la,duìyú gēn xīfāng guójiā bǐjiào,nǐ gēn zhèngfǔ guānyuán de jiēchù la shì fēicháng fēicháng zhòngyào de. Nǐ bìxū yào yǒu zhèzhǒng jìqiǎo,érqiě nǐ bìxū yào yǒu zhèzhǒng rènzhī,gèng xūyào duì zhè fāngmiàn xiàgōngfū,zhèyàng nǐ de shāngyè cáinéng jìnxíng de shùnlì。

Content original source: prof03david.html
View original Cultural Interviews with Chinese-Speaking Professionals from University of Texas at Austin.