Actually, Taiwanese and Chinese are not quite, not quite the same as foreigners. What I mean is, when communicating, in practice they aren’t as likely to use this kind of so-called direct approach. That is, they aren’t as good at this “direct communication” approach. Most will beat around the bush, just circle around. Only at the end will they give you a response that’s more, uh, like the kind you’re looking for. This is… I think this probably has to do with different national characters. When dealing with someone different, um, when they communicate, when they’re communicating, actually, they’re thinking, um, if you’re direct right at the outset, or if you use this direct approach to communication, it’ll be rude, or, that probably, you won’t get what you want. So usually there’s some [unintelligible] to let you, to slowly steer you, so you can get that… So they, they’ll think that, “Hey, this’ll be a better way to get what they [sic] want.” So, this is, um, for Taiwanese or Chinese, is what they’re used to, so they do it this way. Going round and round and round, until finally they get to their real position. Then they steer you to an understanding that, “Oh, this is something that they actually wanted.” Maybe it’s an answer, or it’s maybe a, um, conclusion, or whatever. So, this is probably, um, something that is caused by different national characters, that’s created by different customs. | 其实这个台湾人或是中国人啊, 跟这个外国人啊是不不太不太一样的地方就是说,在这个沟通上面,实际上比较不会用这种叫做直接的方式,就是 direct 这个communication 方式,比较不会。大部分都会拐弯抹角啊,就是绕来绕去。 然后到最后才出来一个比较,哎,象是你要的那个那个答案。这个是,我想应该是国情不同。 啊,对于不同的这个人那,啊,他们在做communication, 在做沟沟通的时候,实际上,他们会想说,啊,如果一开始就用比较直接的这个话喔,或者直接的方法去讲的时候,好像是不礼貌,或者说可能是,啊,不会达到你的目的。所以通常都会有一些 比如说等等,让你这个慢慢去引导你啊,让你能够达到那个说,他,他觉得,哎,这样比较容易达到他要的目的这样子。 所以这个是在,喔,可能在台湾人或是中国人这边那,这个可能习惯性。然后会这样子。绕绕绕绕来绕去绕到最后才绕到真正主意上面。然后实际上引导你知道说,哦,原来这是他要的一个,可能是一个答案或是一个可能一个沟通的一个结果等等的。所以说大概这个是,啊,不同的国情产生的一个状况,是不同的习惯产生的一种状况。 |