My topic is, um, in these nations, whether people in business talks, whether their negotiating style is direct, or is a little indirect. In my own experience, whether in Taiwan or in the mainland, in Chinese societies, the approach to business negotiations usually isn’t very direct. That’s because Chinese people are generally more conservative. In business settings, they usually first, um, get to know you a little bit. For example, at a banquet or a cocktail party, they’ll get to know you. Chinese people’s thinking is usually that you talk about trivial things to people you don’t know well, and save conversation about more important things for those you know better. Only after they know you, after they have an understanding of you, will they take the next step to talk about… to have important or constructive meetings. Generally speaking, in this… their approach is like this. They’ll all usually build some kind of relationship with person, they’ll use their best approach, which, see… For example, they’ll have some food, or whatever, some kind of social setting. Then, after everyone’s had a few drinks, then they’ll begin to negotiate. So you see, Chinese people’s approach to negotiations isn’t very direct. Instead, it takes slower steps. And if you want to do business, you had better have very sharp bargaining skills. You’ll have to continually haggle over prices… For your company, maybe I’m going to have to add this, or I’m going to have to add that. Or maybe, for this company, I’m going to have to think about how I’m going to do this, how I’m going to add something to increase my company’s profit. So, for this first question, I’d conclude that sticking to your usual process isn’t going to work with Chinese. If you want to establish a business relationship, you need to become friends. You need to know how to get close to them, how to move things along. That’s how you create the greatest benefit for yourself. | 我的题目是啊在某些国家, 人们对商业企业谈的这个, 洽谈的方式是直截了当的,有些不是直截了当的。 根据我的经验,在台湾,或者是在大陆,在这个中国人社会里面呢,这种商业的谈判的手段呢通常都不是直接的,因为,他中国人来讲, 一般都是比较保守的,在商业的环境里,他通常都是先,啊,跟你有一个认识。比如说,在一个餐会上,在一个酒宴上,跟你有一个认识,通常中国人的态度都是交浅言浅,交深言深。 所以当跟你认识了以后,对于你有所了解了以后,他们才进一步会谈到一些有,这个重要或者有一些建设性的这个会谈。一般来讲,他在那个,手段都是这样的, 他都常会跟这个人建立一些关系以后,然后对他们最好的方法呢,就是,来,比如说,进行餐点,或者是什么,这种交际场合,然后他们开始酒酣耳热以后,然后才开始进行商量,所以对中国人来说,谈判的手段不是直接的,而是循序渐进的,而且跟中国人要做这个交易的话,你必须要有相当强的这个这个 bargain 技巧。你要不断跟他讨价还价,对你的公司来讲,我需要加入这个条件,我需要加入另外一个条件,或者是,对这个公司来讲,我如何去做,如何在怎么样才能增加我公司的利益。所以就第一个问题来讲,我的结论就是说中国人持序渐进是不适用的,你要建立你的这个关系,你要跟他们有了交情以后,而且你要懂得跟他们如何打成一片,如何去进行,这个创造对你自己最有利的条件。 |