97: Chao Robert Zheng - Negotiation - Logistical and Emotional Needs
China, Hunan
I think this problem very often involves a misunderstanding. I generally have a contrary opinion and I believe that compared to Eastern peoples and we Chinese, Americans can open their hearts more easily. It’s easier for them to sincerely accept and take in others, and also face others. Therefore, oftentimes I feel that we Chinese, on this issue, come off as more formal and stiff. It is not easy for us to build this kind of relationship. They (Americans) have humor. On the other hand, I feel that in this aspect we are lacking. So with concern to this, (I feel) it is not due to numbers or data that they seem unable to understand human emotions. Moreover, I feel that in this aspect it would be worthwhile for East Asians to learn from them.我想这个问题很多时候是,嗯,有一个误解。我,我通常,我反而觉得,美国人,啊,比我们东方人和中国人,更容易打开他们的心,更容易能够诚恳地去,嗯,接纳对方,面对对方。所以,很多时候,我觉得我们中国人,在这个方面显得很拘谨一点,反而不太,哦,容易能够,建立这个关系。他们有幽默。我觉得这个方面,我们反而缺少一点。所以在这个方面呢,(不)都是由于一些数据和资料,使得他们好像不会,不懂人情。我觉得他们在这些方面,其实更多的,是值得我们东方人去学习。
我想這個問題很多時候是,嗯,有一個誤解。我,我通常,我反而覺得,美國人,啊,比我們東方人和中國人,更容易打開他們的心,更容易能够誠懇地去,嗯,接納對方,面對對方。所以,很多時候,我覺得我們中國人,在這個方面顯得很拘謹一點,反而不太,哦,容易能够,建立這個關係。他們有幽默。我覺得這個方面,我們反而缺少一點。所以在這個方面呢,(不)都是由於一些數據和資料,使得他們好像不會,不懂人情。我覺得他們在這些方面,其實更多的,是值得我們東方人去學習。Wǒ xiǎng zhège wèntí hěnduō shíhou shì, n, yǒu yíge wùjiě. Wǒ, wǒ tōngcháng, wǒ fǎn’ér juéde, Měiguórén, a, bǐ wǒmen dōngfāngrén hé Zhōngguórén, gèng róngyì dǎkāi tāmende xīn, gèng róngyì nénggòu chéngkěnde qù, n, jiēnà duìfāng, miànduì duìfāng. Suǒyǐ, hěn duō shíhou, wǒ juéde wǒmen Zhōngguórén, zài zhège fāngmiàn xiǎnde hěn jūjǐn yīdiǎn, fǎn’ér bútài, o, róngyì nénggòu, jiànlì zhège guānxì. Tāmen yǒu yōumò. Wǒ juéde zhège fāngmiàn, wǒmen fǎn’ér quēshǎo yìdiǎn. Suǒyǐ zài zhège fāngmiàn ne, (bù)dōushì yóuyú yìxiē shùjù hé zīliào, shǐde tāmen hǎoxiàng búhuì, bùdǒng rénqíng. Wǒ juéde tāmen zài zhèxiē fāngmiàn, qíshí gèngduōde, shì zhíde wǒmen dōngfāngrén qù xuéxí.

Content original source: neg08chaozheng.html
View original Cultural Interviews with Chinese-Speaking Professionals from University of Texas at Austin.