During negotiations it is almost unavoidable that some resistance will occur, or there will be something unexpected. On this point, Americans will…when they run into this issue, they will continue to discuss. However, they are not going to consider, say, the loss of ‘face’ of the other party, or whether or not this will hurt their feelings. It’s a matter of discussing the issue. That is not to say that I talk with you and then realize you’re unhappy about something or have some sort of personal attack to make and only then I incite a discussion. So they (Americans) will continue discussing the matter. If they cannot reach a solution, then they say “all right, let’s go back and research a bit more, investigate a bit more and then come back and discuss again.” After that, when the talks are finished, you can shake hands. Everybody’s mood is good and there’s no problem. On this point I feel their (Americans’) way of dealing with the issue rather than the person is extremely crucial. If you start dealing with the individual, you will begin to have problems with ‘face’, or problems with a person’s feelings. In this, they (Americans) distinguish things clearly. Business is business, and personal feelings are personal feelings. There is no fear of putting everything on the table and arguing it out. When the discussion is finished, then right away everything is fine. Nobody has any problem. Things have been clearly delineated. I think from the perspective of doing business, making clear distinctions (like this) is better. That way in the future and in the long term, everybody wins. | 啊。在谈判的时候,难免会有一些阻力出现,或者是意想不到的。美国人在这方面,他会,碰到这些事情呢,他会继续谈。但是他不会说考虑到,嗯,对方的面子上好不好看那,这样会伤不伤对方啊。他只是在谈事情。不是说,啊,我谈谈,哎,看到你不满意了,对你个人有什么攻击呀,有什么不满呢才引起的。所以呢,他们会继续谈这些事情。如果谈不拢的话呢,他会说,噢,我们回去再去研究一下子,我们再去调查一下子。然后呢,再回头再跟你谈。然后呢,说完以后呢,又可以握握手啊。大家气氛都蛮好的。没有问题。这方面我觉得他们对事不对人是相当关键的。如果你一对人的时候呢,就会觉得一种脸面上的问题呀;或者是感情方面的问题呀。他们,这个,分就清楚。生意归生意。嗯,人的感情是人的感情。他,他们哪怕说是在桌子上吵起来,哦,谈完以后,哎,马上就好了。大家就没事儿了。好像分得很清楚。我想在做生意方面,做得,分得很清楚也是比较好的。嗯,这样大家到了将来呢,长远来讲呢,都会赢的。 |
啊。在談判的時候,難免會有一些阻力出現,或者是意想不到的。美國人在這方面,他會,碰到這些事情呢,他會繼續談。但是他不會說考慮到,嗯,對方的面子上好不好看那,這樣會傷不傷對方啊。他只是在談事情。不是說,啊,我談談,哎,看到你不滿意了,對你個人有什么攻擊呀,有什么不滿呢才引起的。所以呢,他們會繼續談這些事情。如果談不攏的話呢,他會說,噢,我們回去再去研究一下子,我們再去調查一下子。然後呢,再回頭再跟你談。然後呢,說完以后呢,又可以握握手啊。大家氣氛都蠻好的。沒有問題。這方面我覺得他們對事不對人是相當關鍵的。如果你一對人的時候呢,就會覺得一種臉面上的問題呀;或者是感情方面的問題呀。他們,這個,分就清楚。生意歸生意。嗯,人的感情是人的感情。他,他們哪怕說是在桌子上吵起來,哦,談完以後,哎,馬上就好了。大家就沒事兒了。好像分得很清楚。我想在做生意方面,做得,分得很清楚也是比較好的。嗯,這樣大家到了將來呢,長遠來講呢,都會贏的。 | A. Zài tánpàn de shíhou, nánmiǎn huì yǒu yìxiē zǔlì chūxiàn, huòzhě shì yìxiǎngbùdào de. Měiguórén zài zhè fāngmiàn, tā huì, pèng dào zhèxiē shìqing ne, tā huì jìxù tán. Dànshì tā bú huì shuō kǎolǜ dào, n, duìfāng de miànzishang hǎobùhǎo kàn na, zhèyàng huì shāng bú shāng duìfāng a. Tā zhǐshì zài tán shìqing. Bú shì shuō, a, wǒ tántán, ài, kàndao nǐ bù mǎnyì le, duì nǐ gèrén yǒu shénme gōngjī ya, yǒu shénme bùmǎn ne cái yǐnqǐ de. Suǒyǐ ne, tāmen huì jìxù tán zhèxiē shìqing. Rúguǒ tánbùlǒng de huà ne, tā huì shuō, ōu, wǒmen huíqù zài qù yánjiū yíxiàzi, wǒmen zài qù diàochá yíxiàzi. Ránhòu ne, zài huítóu zài gēn nǐ tán. Ránhòu ne, shuōwán yǐhòu ne, yòu kěyǐ wòwò shǒu a. Dàjiā qìfēn dōu mǎnhǎo de. Méiyǒu wèntí. Zhè fāngmiàn wǒ juéde tāmen duìshì bú duìrén shì xiāngdāng guānjiàn de. Rúguǒ nǐ yí duìrén de shíhou ne, jiù huì juéde yìzhǒng liǎnmiànshang de wèntí ya. Huòzhě shì gǎnqíng fāngmiàn de wèntí ya. Tāmen, zhège, fēn jiù qīngchu. Shēngyì guī shēngyì. N, rén de gǎnqíng shì rén de gǎnqíng. Tā, tāmen nǎpà shuōshì zài zhuōzishang chǎo qǐlái, e, tán wán yǐhòu, ài, mǎshàng jiù hǎole. Dàjiā jiù méishìr le. Hǎoxiàng fēn de hěn qīngchu. Wǒ xiǎng zài zuò shēngyì fāngmiàn, zuòde, fēnde hěn qīngchu yě shì bǐjiào hǎo de. N, zhèyang dàjiā dào le jiānglái ne, chángyuǎn láijiǎng ne, doūhuì yíng de. |