I think that when we’re in any kind of negotiation, we really, that is to say, need to understand our own position and the other side’s position. Like it says in Sunzi’s Art of War: “Know yourself and know the other; in 100 battles, you’ll never be in danger.” What this says is that we [need to] understand where our own, uh, position is, and, uh, what the other side’s situation is. No, uh, negotiation ends with only one side winning. If there’s a one-sided victory, there’s no possibility of concluding a so-called contractual agreement. A so-called contractual agreement is an exchange. And an exchange must involve benefit to two parties. So, to America’s classical school, any exchange should involve benefits to both parties. That’s the only way, the only way, to conclude an agreement. The issue isn’t that both sides are, uh, benefiting, it’s a question of how to distribute this benefit, OK? This distribution of benefits naturally goes from the simplest, uh, which is to do it according to production. But sometimes production can’t be estimated. So we compare, uh, this, these rights, or, or our chips to decide. I think, uh, if you understand this point, I should say, if a 50-50 split is reasonable, that’s best. But if, if we don’t split it in half, it’s hard to know where to actually stop. In that situation, I think probably a 60-40…. Uh, this distribution is really important. So, in any transaction, my, my view is that we can’t have a one-sided victory—both sides must win. The objective of a win-win situation isn’t a big cut for one party and a small cut for the other; it’s a more-or-less, uh, 50-50 split; it’s [more or less] at this point. I think this is my, I, I think this is the definition of a win-win situation. Uh, that’s it. Thank you. | 我想我们在任何的谈判,我们非常,就是说,要了解自己本身的立场,还有对方的立场。就像孙子兵法里面所说的:知己知彼,百战不殆。啊,这个就是说,我们了解自己的,的,啊,地位在哪里,还有,吓,对方的、的、的情形在哪。没有一个,啊,谈判说只有单方一方赢的,单方一方赢的话就不可能有所谓的合约的达成。所谓合约的达成的话就是交易。所以交易的话一定是两方面都有利益。所以自美国的古典学派来讲,任何的交易应该双方都有利益,那这样才会、才会有、有有合约的达成。所以说问题不在说双方都在,唉,得到利益,而是怎么样分配这个利益,OK。这个分配利益当然从最简单的,啊,讲导的话是从按生产力来、来讲。可是有时候生产力是没有办法估计的。所以就看相对的,啊,这个、这个权力或、或、或筹码来、来做个决定。我想,啊,了解这一点应该是说一人一半很合理的话,这是最好。可是假、假如,我们走一人一半的话,那个很难就是说知道一个很、很确实的落脚点。那这样的话,我想大概四六,啊,这个分配是非常重要。所以任何交易我的,我的看法,我们不能说单方赢,一定要双赢。双赢的目的不是说一个大,一个小。而是说差不多在,唉,一半一半这个,啊,这个交点上面。我想这个是我、我、我觉得就是一个双赢的这个定义,啊,就是这样。谢谢。 |