Ok, next I'll talk a little about the issue of degrees, that is, whether [we] focus on the school you attended or the degree received. I think, from the perspective of a traditional Chinese person, that we really stress your educational background--What schools have you studied at and are they good schools? For example, when people mention a major school, such as our Jiao Tong University, for example, you get a good first impression of them, the sense that they’ve had a good education and have a good educational background. I think that everyone unconsciously, everyone is influenced by this to some degree. And your educational background is also your, is the first standard by which a stranger evaluates you. Uh, but I think this kind of perspective is in the process of slowly changing. Why do I say that? I think that in today’s society more people aren’t only concerned with your degree; they’re more interested in your actual level [of skills]. That is, can you really get the job done? There are many people who might have had a good education, who went to a very good school, for example, or hold an advanced degree, but when they start to actually do things, you realize that they don’t have the [necessary] skills. This is something that we, a problem that many companies are seeing when they hire people. So now our society is urging people, uh, [saying] you have to get an education, but you also need to have the ability to get the job done, [have abilities that are] in keeping with your educational attainments. Uh, I think that Chinese people are gradually changing, but if you can get the job done, why don’t you go to school, or go get a corresponding degree? So, I think Chinese people place a lot of stress on education, but place even more on the ability to get things done. | 好,那么接下来我会谈一下有关于这个学历的问题。就说是不是注重所上的学或者说得得到过的学位。我觉得从一个传统中国人的角度来说,我们还是会非常注重你的学历。啊你曾经上过哪些学校啊,是不是很好?比如说,当大家谈起一个很重点的学校,那么比如说我们的交大的话,那么哎你的第一印象对这个人你就会很好,哎觉得他是受过很好的教育,有过很好的这种教育背景。我觉得大家在潜意识里面大家多多少少会在这方面被影响到,而且呢学历也是啊你一个陌生人对你最初的一种评价的一个标准。啊但是我觉得这种看法呢也正在慢慢的转变。为什么这么说呢?就是在现在这个社会上面,我觉得更多的人会不仅仅是注重你的学历,也更更注重你真实水平。也就是你到底有多少实力呢。很多人他可能学历很好,比如上过一个很好的学,有很好的学位。但是他真正做起事情来,你会发觉他并没有这些能力。这就是我们现在所也是很多企业现在在招聘人员的时候所感到的一种落差。所以说,我们这个社会正在更鼓励说,啊你要你有这个学历,但是呢你也要这个实力。符合这个学位来说的。啊我觉得中国人在慢慢的改变,但是呢你如果有这个实力的话,你为什么不去上学或去得一个相应的学位呢?所以说,中国人我觉得是既注重学历也更注重实力的。 |