OK, my thoughts on this are very simple. If you go to the mainland or Taiwan to do business, people will probably all have English names. But, in my experience, you’d best not use them. If somebody’s name is David, you naturally always call him David. This feels a little strange because in Taiwan we all use people’s titles. That is, if someone’s a manager, you call him “Manager” or “CEO” or you use his surname, like “Manager Li.” That’s more formal. Someone will probably tell you, “Don’t worry about it. It’s OK to just call me by my name. Just call me David.” But, in my experience, this isn’t the best way to go about it. It’s probably OK if you go out together in the evening, but it’s not such a good idea during working hours because if other people see, if they hear you, they’ll think it’s a little odd. | Ok, 这个我的看法是很简单。如果你去大陆或是台湾要做一些的生意,他他们应该都有英文的名字。但是我的经验是最好不要用。就说如果他是David,然后你一直讲David。这个感觉有一点点怪怪的。因为在台湾我们都是用那个按照他的title。就说如果他是经理应该是用经理还是总经理。还是用到他的姓就说李经理。那个比较正式。啊他可能跟你讲:“哎,没有关系,用我的名字用我的名字就可以了,用David就可以。”但是我的经验是这样子比较不好。可能晚上出去玩的时候可以,但是在上班的时候,比较不行。因为别的人会看到,别的人会听到。感觉有一点怪怪的啦。 |