212: Xin Qi - Stereotypes - Data vs. Relationships
China, Shanghai
Chinese people, since ancient times, have placed great importance on personal relationships. This is because Chinese people have a long, established tradition of working with others in person to person relationships. Yet, the U.S. is a more changing, progressive and open kind of place. So they focus much more on work efficiency. Because to them work is at the top of the list. I believe that to them, work is extremely important. So you could say that Americans, when they are working, really stress efficiency. This can be seen in the way they look upon numerical data and are very sensitive to the analysis thereof. Chinese, on the other hand, are more particular about relationships between people. Because when people can deal well with relationships, they can greatly improve on work efficiency. So I think that America, with regards to their emphasis on numerical data and neglect of personal relationships…I feel that I assent to this point of view.中国人自古是对…哦…人际关系非常注重的,因为中国人自古就有了一些对人际关系如何相处的一些悠久的传统。而美、美国是一个、一个比较…思想变、比较先进、更开放的一个地方,然后,他们更注重工作效率,因为工作对他们来说是至高无上的。我,我认为,工作对他们来说是、非常重要的。然后,哦…所以、所以说,美国人在工作当中是非常强调工作效率,这、也就体现在…哦、对这些数字,和那些分析上面非常敏感。而中国,她比较讲究那些,那些人际的关系,因为人、处理好人际关系,能更加提高那些工作效率,会提高工作效率。所以我认为哦、美国、美国人对于、注重那些数、数字,而忽略那些、哦人际交往,我认为是,我觉得是…哦比较赞同这个观点的。
中國人自古是對…哦…人際關係非常注重的,因爲中國人自古就有了一些對人際關係如何相處的一些悠久的傳統。而美、美國是一個、一個比較…思想變、比較先進、更開放的一個地方,然後,他們更注重工作效率,因爲工作對他們來說是至高無上的。我,我認爲,工作對他們來說是、非常重要的。然後,哦…所以、所以說,美國人在工作當中是非常强調工作效率,這、也就體現在…哦、對這些數字,和那些分析上面非常敏感。而中國,她比較講究那些,那些人際的關係,因爲人、處理好人際關係,能更加提高那些工作效率,會提高工作效率。所以我認爲哦、美國、美國人對於、注重那些數、數字,而忽略那些、哦人際交往,我認爲是,我覺得是…哦比較贊同這個觀點的。Zhōngguórén zìgǔ shìduì, e, rénjì guānxi fēicháng zhùzhòng de, yīnwèi Zhōngguórén zìgǔ jiùyǒu le yìxiē duì rénjìguānxi rúhé xiāngchǔ de yìxiē yōujiǔ de chuántǒng. Ér Měi, Měiguó shì yíge, yíge bǐjiào…sīxiǎng biàn, bǐjiào xiānjìn, gèng kāifàng de yíge dìfāng, ránhòu, tāmen gèng zhùzhòng gōngzuò xiàolǜ, yīnwèi gōngzuò duì tāmen láishuō shì zhìgāowúshàng de. Wǒ, wǒ rènwéi, gōngzuò duì tāmen láishuō shì, fēicháng zhòngyào de. Ránhòu, e…suǒyǐ, suǒyǐ shuō, Měiguórén zài gōngzuò dāngzhōng shì fēicháng qiángdiào gōngzuò xiàolǜ, zhè, yě jiù tǐxiàn zài…e, duì zhèxiē shùzì, hé nàxiē fēnxī shàngmian fēicháng mǐngǎn. Ér Zhōngguó, tā bǐjiào jiǎngjiu nàxiē, nàxiē rénjì de guānxi, yīnwèi rén, chǔlǐ hǎo rénjìguānxi, néng gèngjiā tígāo nàxiē gōngzuò xiàolǜ, huì tígāo gōngzuò xiàolǜ. Suǒyǐ wǒ rènwéi e, Měiguó, Měiguórén duìyú, zhùzhòng nàxiē shù, shùzì, ér hūlüè nàxiē, e rénjì jiāowǎng, wǒ rènwéishi, wǒ juéde shì…e, bǐjiào zàntóng zhège guāndiǎn de.

Content original source: ste05qixin.html
View original Cultural Interviews with Chinese-Speaking Professionals from University of Texas at Austin.