183: Yang Wan - Professional - Use of an Interpreter
China, Jiang Su, Yangzhou
At present in China, because of the deepening impact of globalization, in most cases such as business, politics and other areas of exchange, when dealing with non-Chinese speaking personnel there is generally no need for an interpreter anymore. However, there are certain occasions, business negotiations for example, (that may require one). Because this involves the use of extremely specific and correct language to express (ideas), most of the time (the people involved) will not have the required level of language skills. Under those circumstances, we must make use of a very professional interpreter. Another situation (that may require an interpreter) is during formal political occasions. Why do I say this? I happen to have some experience with interpreting in political situations. Even though some, national leaders and politicians for example, may be able to use English quite well to express their ideas, being at their level as national politicians they must carefully consider all kinds of factors including his so-called representation of his countrymen. So although he/she may be able to use English to express his/her own ideas, it is better for them to use the language of their own country to engage in communication with foreign visitors. This is a bit more in keeping with international conventions; or more in accordance with particular (international) political requirements.嗯,在现在,现在中国社会这种情况下呢,由于这个国际化的程度的加深,嗯,在大多数情况下,在商业,在政治,在其它文化各个领域的交流当中呢,大部分情况下,嗯,嗯,很多人在…与哦,哦,不说中文的人士交流的时候,已经不需要使用、使用翻译。但是在有一些场合的时候,比如说商业谈判。由于它涉及到哦,非常…哦,需要非常精确、非常准确的语言的表达,所以说一般情况下的这个语言交流可能已经达不到这个标准,所以说在这个情况下面,我们必须还要使用,嗯,非常专业的翻译人员。另外,还有一种情况呢,就是在有一些比较正式的政治场合。为什么这么说呢?因为我本人是有一些…哦,在政治场合做翻译的这么一些经验。嗯,虽然有的比如说,国家领导人,比如一些政治人物,虽然他能够用…比如说,用英语很流畅的表达他的想法,他的这个…他的这个思想。但是,因为作为一个一定层次的国家,嗯…政治人物,他必须要考虑到其它各种各样的因素,包括他所代表的这个民族、的文化。所以说,在这种场合下面,他、哦即使他能够表达自己的思想,比如说用英语来表达自己的思想,他也应该用本民族的语言去跟他的这个来访的外宾进行交流。这样的话比较更加符合国际惯例,或者说更加符合、哦…这个…这个特殊的政治上的需求。
嗯,在現在,現在中國社會這種情况下呢,由於這個國際化的程度的加深,嗯,在大多數情况下,在商業,在政治,在其它文化各個領域的交流當中呢,大部分情况下,嗯,嗯,很多人在…與哦,哦,不說中文的人士交流的時候,已經不需要使用、使用翻譯。但是在有一些場合的時候,比如說商業談判。由於它涉及到哦,非常…哦,需要非常精確、非常準確的語言的表達,所以說一般情况下的這個語言交流可能已經達不到這個標準,所以說在這個情况下面,我們必須還要使用,嗯,非常專業的翻譯人員。另外,還有一種情况呢,就是在有一些比較正式的政治場合。爲什麽這麽說呢?因爲我本人是有一些…哦,在政治場合做翻譯的這麽一些經驗。嗯,雖然有的比如說,國家領導人,比如一些政治人物,雖然他能够用…比如說,用英語很流暢的表達他的想法,他的這個…他的這個思想。但是,因爲作爲一個一定層次的國家,嗯…政治人物,他必須要考慮到其它各種各樣的因素,包括他所代表的這個民族、的文化。所以說,在這種場合下面,他、哦即使他能够表達自己的思想,比如說用英語來表達自己的思想,他也應該用本民族的語言去跟他的這個來訪的外賓進行交流。這樣的話比較更加符合國際慣例,或者說更加符合、哦…這個…這個特殊的政治上的需求。N, zài xiànzài, xiànzài Zhōngguó shèhuì zhèzhong qíngkuàngxia ne, yóuyú zhège guójìhuà de chéngdù de jiāshēn, n, zài dàduōshù qíngkuàngxia, zài shāngyè, zài zhèngzhì, zài qítā wénhuà gège lǐngyù de jiāoliú dāngzhōng ne, dàbùfen qíngkuàngxia, n, n, hěnduōrén zài…yǔ, e, e, bùshuō Zhōngwén de rénshi jiāoliú de shíhou, yǐjīng bù xūyào shǐyòng, shǐyòng fānyì. Dànshi zài yǒu yìxiē chǎnghé de shíhou, bǐrúshuō shāngyè tánpàn. Yóuyú tā shèjí dào e, fēicháng…e, xūyào fēichányg jīngquè, fēicháng zhǔnquè de yǔyán de biǎodá, suǒyǐshuō yìbān qíngkuàng xià de zhège yǔyán jiāoliú kěnéng yǐjīng dábúdào zhège biāozhǔn, suǒyǐ shuō zài zhège qíngkuàng xiàmian, wǒmen bìxū háiyào shǐyòng, n, fēicháng zhuānyè de fānyì rényuán. Lìngwài, háiyǒu yìzhǒng qíngkuàng ne, jiùshi zài yǒuyìxiē bǐjiào zhèngshì de zhèngzhì chǎnghé. Wèishénme zhèmeshuō ne? Yīnwèi wǒ běnrén shì yǒu yìxiē…e, zài zhèngzhi chánghé zuò fānyì de zhème yìxiē jīngyàn. N, suīrán yǒude bǐrúshuō, guójiā lǐngdǎorén, bǐrú yìxiē zhèngzhi rénwù, suīrán tā nénggòu yòng. Bǐrúshuō, yòng Yīngyǔ hěn liúchàng de biǎodá tāde xiǎngfa, tāde zhège…tāde zhège sīxiǎng. Dànshì, yīnwèi zuòwéi yíge yídìng céngcì de guójiā, n…zhèngzhi rénwù, tā bìxū yào kǎolǜdao qítā gèzhǒnggèyàng de yīnsù, bāokuò tā suǒ dàibiǎo de zhège mínzú de wénhuà. Suǒyǐ shuō, zài zhèzhong chǎnghé xiàmian, tā, e jíshǐ tā nénggòu biǎodá zìjǐ de sīxiǎng, bǐrúshuō yòng Yīngyǔ lái biǎodá zìjǐ de sīxiǎng, tā yě yīnggāi yòng běn mínzú de yǔyán qù gēn tāde zhège láifǎng de wàibīn jìnxíng jiāoliú. Zhèyàng de huà bǐjiào gèngjiā fúhé guójì guànlì, huòzhě shuō gèngjiā fúhé, e…zhège…zhège tèshū de zhèngzhìshang de xūqiú.

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View original Cultural Interviews with Chinese-Speaking Professionals from University of Texas at Austin.