144: Thomas Chiang - Professional - Needs of Investors vs. Society
China, Shan Dong
Yes, during the production process or the business process, we all hope to maximize the profits to ourselves. Our lives are very short, and if in this way we can acquire greater profits and acquire personal wealth, we can meet our needs in this life. But, with regard to this, we should, in addition to our personal profit, also consider the question of social welfare. Uh, “social welfare” means that when you produce a, a thing, there are not only costs to you personally, but also, perhaps you’ve used up [a portion] of some people’s lives and all kinds, all kinds of steps. Uh, because of this, there’s a so-called “social cost.” Suppose these social costs are not, are not taken care of, then we can lower our total costs. In that case, our selling price ought to be lower. So, with regard to the large volume of mainland China’s exports in recent years, these cheap exports, I think this is a problem to which we must pay extremely close attention because after these cheap, cheap ex- exports, the ultimate result is that you, you destroy your domestic production resources. They’re also giving rise to problems with the social environment and the ecology. So, in the future the social costs are extremely high. OK, so what I advocate is that we not just look at the costs to you personally. We should also look look at the total social cost. Take a simple example. Look, many underdeveloped nations, such as, like uh, let’s not talk about African nations, let’s say nations like Taiwan and Korea were 10 or 20 years ago. They developed, many, uh, manufacturing industries. These industries were all ones that advanced nations didn’t want to develop,1 so they moved them to backward countries, these more second-tier manufacturing nations to to produce [goods]. In this way, their nations avoided, uh, pollution problems. Now, another way of viewing this is to say that they exported pollution to these other nations. So, I, we think that we need to think about the very long term with regard to employment and pollution. Uh, we need to consider not only how much we produce now, how large our profits are now; we should also consider the long-term benefits to our nation and people. Therefore, these social costs and personal costs are an extremely important issue to consider. Thank you. 1 Throughout this paragraph, the speaker is using “manufacturing industries” to refer to both the industries and the goods they produce. Consequently, shengchan can here be read as either “produce” or “develop.”Yes,在这个生产过程中呢还有和企业过程中,我们都希望满足自己最大的利润。因为这个我们生命非常有限,这样我们的得到比较高的利润呢,得到个人财富的话,可以满足我们这一生的需要。可是这方面呢除了啊个人的利润,我们应该想到一个社会的福利的问题。啊所谓社会福利,就是说你生产一个啊一个东西,那不但是有自己的成本,也会也许会消耗到社会其他人的啊生活跟各种各种啊步调。啊因为这样的关系就有一个所谓社会成本在里面。所以我们考虑的问题,不但是个人成本也要社会成本。 这个社会成本假如没有没有照顾的话,我们就会把我们整个成本呢啊低估了,那这样的话就觉得我们卖的价格应该比较便宜。所以这个对现在中国大陆就说最近出口很多,以廉价出口来讲,我觉得这个是应该非常注意的一个问题。因为廉廉价输输出以后,最后结果呢就会你你破坏国内的生产资源。而且还有社会环境,还有生态的问题。那这样呢,以后这个社会成本是非常高的。 Ok, 所以我的主张就是说我们不只是看个人成本,应该更看看到看到整个社会成本。一个很简单的例子,你看,很多落后国家比如说象哦哦哦其他非洲国家不要谈了,就象过去哦10,20年象台湾韩国这些国家。他们哦生产很多所谓哎制造业。这制造业都是先进国家不要生产,拿到落后国这些比较次一级的生产国家去去做生产。这样呢他们国内就没有所谓的啊那个污染的问题。那从另外方面呢,这些污染就输出到其他这些国家来。 所以我我们觉得对对在就业或污染这方面我们要做一个非常啊长期的考虑。啊要考虑的不但是现在我们生产多少得到多少利益,就从长期来讲应该考虑到对自己国家民族还有未来的的利益。所以这个啊社会成本跟个人成本是非常重要的一个课题要考虑的。谢谢!
Yes,在這個生產過程中呢還有和企業過程中,我們都希望滿足自己最大的利潤。因為這個我們生命非常有限,這樣我們的得到比較高的利潤呢,得到個人財富的話,可以滿足我們這一生的需要。可是這方面呢除了啊個人的利潤,我們應該想到一個社會的福利的問題。啊所謂社會福利,就是說你生產一個啊一個東西,那不但是有自己的成本,也會也許會消耗到社會其他人的啊生活跟各種各種啊步調。啊因為這樣的關係就有一個所謂社會成本在裏面。所以我們考慮的問題,不但是個人成本也要社會成本。 這個社會成本假如沒有沒有照顧的話,我們就會把我們整個成本呢啊低估了,那這樣的話就覺得我們賣的價格應該比較便宜。所以這個對現在中國大陸就說最近出口很多,以廉價出口來講,我覺得這個是應該非常注意的一個問題。因為廉廉價輸輸出以後,最後結果呢就會你你破壞國內的生產資源。而且還有社會環境,還有生態的問題。那這樣呢,以後這個社會成本是非常高的。 Ok, 所以我的主張就是說我們不只是看個人成本,應該更看看到看到整個社會成本。一個很簡單的例子,你看,很多落後國家比如說象哦哦哦其他非洲國家不要談了,就象過去哦10,20年象臺灣韓國這些國家。他們哦生產很多所謂哎製造業。這製造業都是先進國家不要生產,拿到落後國這些比較次一級的生產國家去去做生產。這樣呢他們國內就沒有所謂的啊那個污染的問題。那從另外方面呢,這些污染就輸出到其他這些國家來。 所以我我們覺得對對在就業或污染這方面我們要做一個非常啊長期的考慮。啊要考慮的不但是現在我們生產多少得到多少利益,就從長期來講應該考慮到對自己國家民族還有未來的的利益。所以這個啊社會成本跟個人成本是非常重要的一個課題要考慮的。謝謝!Yes, zài zhègè shēngchǎn guòchéng zhōng ne háiyǒu hé qǐyè guòchéng zhōng,wǒmen dōu xīwàng mǎnzú zìjǐ zuìdà de lìrùn。Yīnwéi zhègè wǒmen shēngmìng fēicháng yǒuxiàn,zhèyàng wǒmen de dédào bǐjiào gāo de lìrùn ne, dédào gèrén cáifù de huà,kěyǐ mǎnzú wǒmen zhè yīshēng de xūyào。Kěshì zhè fāngmiàn ne chúle ah gèrén de lìrùn,wǒmen yìnggāi xiǎngdào yīgè shèhuì de fú lì de wèn tí。Ah suǒwèi shèhuì fúlì,jiùshìshuō nǐ shēngchǎn yīgè ah yīgè dōngxī,nà búdàn shì yǒu zìjǐ de chéngběn, yěhuì yěxǔ huì xiāohào dào shèhuì qítārén de ah shēnghuó gēn gèzhǒng gèzhǒng ah bùdiào。Ah yīnwéi zhèyàng de guānxì jiù yǒu yīgè suǒwèi shèhuì chéngběn zài lǐmiàn。Suǒyǐ wǒmen kǎolǜ de wèntí,búdànshì gèrén chéngběn yěyào shèhuì chéngběn。 Zhègè shèhuì chéngběn jiǎrú méiyǒu méiyǒu zhàogù de huà,wǒmen jiùhuì bǎ wǒmen zhěnggè chéngběn ne ah dīgū le,nà zhèyàng de huà jiù juéde wǒmen màide jiàgé yìnggāi bǐjiào piányí。Suǒyǐ zhègè duì xiànzài zhōngguó dàlù jiù shuō zuìjìn chūkǒu hěnduō, yǐ liánjià chūkǒu láijiǎng,wǒjuéde zhègèshì yìnggāi fēicháng zhùyì de yīgè wèntí。Yīnwéi lián liánjià shū shūchū yǐhòu, zuìhòu jiéguǒ ne jiù huì nǐ nǐ pòhuài guónèi de shēngchǎn zīyuán。érqiě háiyǒu shèhuì huánjìng,háiyǒu shēngtài de wèntí。Nà zhèyàng ne,yǐhòu zhègè shèhuì chéngběn shì fēichánggāo de。 Ok, suǒyǐ wǒde zhǔzhāng jiùshìshuō wǒmen bù zhǐshì kàn gèrén chéngběn,yìnggāi gèng kàn kàndào kàndào zhěnggè shèhuì chéngběn。Yīgè hěn jiǎndān de lìzi,nǐkàn,hěnduō luòhòu guójiā bǐrúshuō xiàng ē ē ē qítā fēizhōu guójiā búyào tánle,jiùxiàng guòqù ē 10,20 nián xiàng táiwān hánguó zhèxiē guójiā。Tāmen ē shēngchǎn hěnduō suǒwèi āi zhìzàoyè。Zhè zhìzàoyè dōushì xiānjìn guójiā búyào shēngchǎn,nádào luòhòuguó zhèxiē bǐjiào cìyījí de shēngchǎn guójiā qù qù zuò shēngchǎn。Zhèyàng ne tāmen guónèi jiù méiyǒu suǒwèi de ah nàgè wūrǎn de wèntí。Nà cóng lìngwài fāngmiàn ne,zhèxiē wūrǎn jiù shūchū dào qí tā zhè iē guójiā lái。 Suǒyǐ wǒ wǒmen juédé duì duì zài jiùyè huò wūrǎn zhè fāngmiàn wǒmen yào zuò yīgè fēicháng ah chángqī de kǎolǜ。Ah, yào kǎolǜ de búdàn shì xiànzài wǒmen shēngchǎn duōshǎo dédào duōshǎo lìyì,jiù cóng chángqī láijiǎng yìnggāi kǎolǜ dào duì zìjǐ guójiā mínzú háiyǒu wèilái de de lìyì。Suǒyǐ zhègè ah shèhuì chéngběn gēn gèrén chéngběn shì fēicháng zhòngyào de yīgè kètí yào kǎolǜ de。Xièxiè!

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View original Cultural Interviews with Chinese-Speaking Professionals from University of Texas at Austin.